The strongest power (Knights of Honor)
What is silni power in your opinion I have Byzantium.Yes, Byzantium burns, but in General, if you rivet the heavy crossbowmen or Welsh archers and correctly cheat generals any power strong
Byzantium say... I don't know. When Byzantium is played by the computer, then it very quickly loses site and Byzantium is falling apart. Hard to keep such a whopper in the very beginning. Personally I play for the Russian principalities.
Good people, I couldn't find a topic to send your question, so we address here: the game's interface in the screenshots in the gallery quite similar to the interface of my game. I have a license from New disc, the patch 1.05. Has anyone paid attention to this nuance, or is it only at me such parsley?
in the same way parsley and I have it all, scar is just because of the version of the game on the screen is probably a later version.
If you close your eyes heavy crossbowmen(little cheaters+)), then all Byzantium and Kiev - the most beautiful and very powerful troops.
The Lord , the most powerful Romania (like middle age) only 1 city , good income , the city's maximum infrastructure , at any level of complexity many countries want to trade , the most powerful infantry and 1 tuning buildings and cavalry. go grab Greece and nearby countries , to take us by storm the devil useful , you can go f*zdit euroa or to throw a glance on egiped
Tuscany(Italy) depending on epoxy, there is a great army available(lords and crossbows).