Low lvl PVP (Diablo 2)
Searched the forum, but no found. So - is PG a list of rules for Lowe PVP?Here was how the tournament rules for the LVL 30
I think I truly it would be necessary to allow perekashivaet cyclone, but max cuts to ban. Without cyclone it seems not very good, IMHO.
Two more questions:
first noob, but still. Bikini trap - type minions, cut their damage in pvp?
second: during pvp physical damage is cut,if the Persian clothed OTHERS(unit) then it works after cutting down or before?
>> I have played with ACU-Archer
I would generally play, but wait this is not possible:)
It is obvious that the rules need to change. Cutting the most simple and effective assemblies(strongly cutting fire forty and slightly bosonic).
And indeed, in previous tournaments the rules as there were none, except you can't drink banks use charges(except for TP) and gain abs against fire shirts.
And you shield normal pvp where everyone has the spell teleport (with Enigma of course)?
And it is possible more in detail about fire the Sorka and bow to the AMC, what is IMBA?
Sorka doesn't require ANY hard-to-find raznyh of clothes, 2 pair soda perf uniques, Tarka and fight. Even in a previous thread someone was Vistabel tournament, saying SVS tournament some will be you were right, top places sorci.
With the AMA is more difficult, she had to find the disc and onions as much as 5 not the top jewel, all AME almost no complaints, except for one, she's like Boris the blade, it will enter hell. What makes it anticharm almost all LLD assemblies in addition to Smith and ohnesorg.
By the way on the craps LLD unwind Sorka. Just on PG, because of certain circumstances, traps many sorci predict that reduces the chances of winning the assassin. Amazon too Nitsche so, if that; the Druid, even with the teleport threat. And Yes, Sorka strong in LLD PTS.
Alex Bitansky
The rules of the game might not be perfect, may require a little work, but they are not bad, IMHO.
PS. The first thing that comes to mind is cold over to cut back to 30~ think blisski is also something that might.
To make a good LLD Persian not just. As for the cost of runes, and time. If Unico and Runewords all simple, with blanks, the rare the darkness.
Gather these pvp characters, players with more or less smooth hands and knowledge of D2 and they collect them for fun.
After all, high duels have almost all studied, but in LLD there is a place for creativity.
Went to the tournament received a lot of fan. Still would love to go.
But it's PG, and then can shout - CRAP!
And in fact these tournaments and assemblies only advantages.
For those who collect to show skill and knowledge, and the rest for a decent rune can sell clothes that fall on nm .
Recall when ng was a full-fledged tournament ?!
Fishing LVL character can put an experienced player who does not want zadrotstvovat. Given the poor drop rates and loot mule, as relevant as ever.
Zapretit ili hotya b umen'wit' over vs blizzki, srednii ham a to hold ~15 blizzov.
Po horowemy odet lld persa po4ti kak je tak tyajelo i high lvl. If konew ne sobirat naobum. Naprimer poprobuu naiti kogti 5ls 30lvl na asu? i kogti dlya prekasta? Ili sobrat pack sc dlya amiibo? kotorii takje i podhodit dlya high lvl ami.
OFC rules are there only Samovodene
And the rules of the adult fire pvp is certainly not cambodiana:)
The crafts and gambling) Then do stuff with LVL. Even specially Persian to download it
pvp v d2 interesen imenno mexanikoi teleporta, lokami, razmenami...
bila bi drugaya igra gde est' takoe tp - bi igral v nee