The speed limiter (Mafia 3)
There was such a question: is there a speed limiter, as in the previous parts? In the gameplay trailers I watched(Those who played - respond!
like I do not have the options of climbing there is nothing found and endless gasoline made ((
he meant when imesh button and you're above 50-60 rassohnutsya can't
No there limitations. Like that too, Sheva dispersed so that by traveling to meet me, the car died with a pumped health. Sorry nope the chips out of the windshield! :)))
Physics in the second part, that was not the cause of the lack of limiter.
Well, in this part of physics as the second (In simulation mode, of course. Cut in the settings as before. Then try to prove you're Schumacher).
Yah. In the second physics behavior of the machine was on top. And here also is he flips the camera on turns...
Turn on simulation mode in the settings, pick up a controller and you will feel it. Physical machines if not better, certainly not worse than in the second and first. Believe me, I know
He flips the camera very even revived the chase, you're so vain. In the second part I had to throw the camera for the movies))))