Running on DirectX 10 (Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor)
something corrected in the executable, anyone try to run it on dx10 cards.on dx11 graphics cards run without problems. I have a beech with dx10 vidyahoy, but it is a 32 bit OS, unfortunately his work can't check.
suitable for any cracks, since the executable is the same for all (compare byte-by-byte).
plus, maybe solved error the Installed card does not support the possibility DH11.
all the same as main, but with one significant change - during the initialization of the graphics card used is the level of hardware support D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 which gives the possibility to run the function D3D11CreateDevice (imported from the library d3d11.dll) on graphics cards that do not support DirectX 11.
Clear. I come home from work, see what else we can do (well, at least started, that's progress). I am afraid that in addition to the functions martinous even some of d3d11.dll and this is more serious, because they have no hardware compatibility as D3D11CreateDevice.
Sorry, actually doesn't run and what video card does not support dx11! The first time ran with the integrated card and it just dx11.1, and the black screen was because I do not have the latest patch was updated launched old woman with GT240 and left a message on dx11((