Trade List By T-Fox (Diablo 2)
NEED:viper 35~
sora tor4
fire sk 15~ hp
Grand Charm 30~ Fres +FHR
Ama tor4 20/17 - Gul;
Eth Titi low - Ist.
Write in PM or in game on *t-fox; *gold-finder
Well, it's like killarmy, I'm not immediately looking for a Pak 40+, I have collected 35+ and now in search of the SK better. Ie Krafcik first need is, need an upgrade. if upgrade will not - does not matter.
And what do you need?
WW 65 and Claw FC/GC 3 wb 3 soc bought.
Offer crapec:
Mara 30 - Ohm;
IK armor - mal;
Griz wit - um;
Tr Amul - mal;
WM 186/3 - um;
Gmb 3 bow 4 soc - ist;
privet. Reset bil, serega na4inal igrat6 i 4et podzabil.
Zrya temy podnya, teper6 pridetsa need i offer redaktirovat6...
Ring 10fcr 18~str 30~ fres mana;
Jwl 9dex/30~Lres;
Tiara 2sora 30str 2soc - Vex;
Tiara 2pal 20fcr 18dex 12 all-Vex;
Tiara 3light 77hp 2soc - Gul;
Tiara 68hp 2soc 3fire - Ist mal;
4x Pal combat sk cl - po ist;
19/20/5 - 8Lo;
19/19/5 - 6Lo, 6,5 to4nee.
19/16/10 - 6Lo;
18/14/7 - 4Lo;
17/18/5 - 4Lo;
Offer ringi - 58mp 30Cres fcr 10str / 15dex fcr 28Lres 7fres 10pres 1md / fcr 14dex 89mp 1mpk