Cool game, what else to say. A lot of references to film culture-90 years, literally everywhere.
Punch Club - a game in which you can get in a fistfight with a bear in the fur cap. Where Mr. Clean works as a seller of bicycles and Walter white sells anabolics. In which Jay and Silent Bob hang out at the supermarket, which is maintained by an Indian named APU. You can break a leg on the illegal fights, but you're gonna walk home because you have no money for the bus. You can poperinghe with the brave team of super-ninjas and crocodiles, bringing them pizza. In which Tyler from Fight Club holds street fighting. In which your cat may start to talk to you, if you abused steroids.
By the way, for victory over all four crocodiles ninja master raccoon gives you an incredibly useful skill:
download pirates,just to see
did not expect that so will delay
and the gameplay and the story is interesting
be sure to support the developer,the game is worth the money
He looked the robot from Susa. Read the review on PG. Bought. The game sucked, was held for two days so the first day playing from morning to evening. From the pros:
- Tactical gameplay. (Yes, there are tactics, RPG - choose from perks, and perks depends on the strength of your character, like old RPGs, where there was an action component, and pure characters).
- After beating the game found that it slightly branched system of the plot (i.e. you can unwittingly go through the game two or three different ways, in the sense of plot choices)
- Three different style of fighting, in which a bunch of variations.
- Music and sounds. 10/10. Honestly, the music just sucks. You can listen to endlessly))
Humor. A lot of positive moments, where a smile is seen. Well, all the same atmosphere fighters of the 90s- is a huge plus to the game.
- An interesting approach to the logic of the gameplay. 80% of the time practicing and trying to make money, 20% of the time fighting. I, as a person involved with sports, so I understand this approach and for me it looks the most plausible. The more that happens in life 99% of the time train and the 1% that compete. People far from the sport, it can strain (quickly get bored, because specialno stretched the game).
+ Tired of the game somewhere in the 80% passing. However due to some relief and variety in the end, it is possible doprejte and to obtain moral pleasure from the end of the story.
In General, the game is worth the money and generally a must-have for all who in childhood watched the fighters. :)
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Complete information about the game available platform not only PC, iOS, and Mac OS 10.7+, Steam OS and Ubuntu 12.04+