What does the Church? (This Is the Police)
On day 92 in the Affairs opened the Church with the following services: funeral service of someone, to bless the land, etc. all add up to? Is it not a little, and explanatory description of the action then and there. Who's to say - thanks in advanceBUR Gamer
The Union just give money, get rid of the useless orders of the municipality and be able to dismiss employees without consequences.
And on what day it is opened. I only have the police station, city Hall, Sandy, Atticus and the Church
It you don't do and probably do not pay the loot, and playing pirates. Do not provoke
You're with me about our beloved Church(not about religion) want to bet?) what is the Church and what it does...
And in case no one has answered. So all the same what exactly options give at Church?
I have not checked 100% but the Church kind of improves your luck
higher the chances that employees will be retrained will not die/city hall to agree to the demands, etc.
tested in training mostly(looked) used in 4 of 10 training was held , is now 7/10
but that's what buying exactly what give and how much can not say
Went 3 times, no recoil is not noticed. Wrote to the developers replied that it was Easter eggs. Apparently, just for extortion of money. So, Yes, it's not fantasy, how can there be buffs for luck?
This investigation begins in the story or need to run it? Well, there is to use the services of the Church for some time or to spend on them a certain amount of money?
The plot starts with a routine investigation. But the services of the Church, too, can use it :)
Nothing. Bishop praying for you, and you just drained the headstock. The whole joke) Disappeared attendants wasted is the answer.
This is a short test of sectants, if you're in the game or given to the Church , so in the real world can and if you just hammer on them, so in the real world do not fall into the sect.