need exchange smote with software on HC (Diablo 2)
already it's scored, so decided to run on the HCgive all armor with the software in exchange for a few Goodies from HC
primarily interested in Tanchiki on necro, the Sorka, Pala + any thread stuff on are this close, the hammer and poisoner)
I have just Krafcik:
to be honest I'm too lazy to even go and make a list of armor))
here is the old list
+ кта6, a couple of Hoto, forti ETX norms runtime sensitive ~Lo, torcini to Sorka, Pala++, facets, rings, there are all sorts of coolant BK Mar + armor on a merc, Bo Barba and ENCO no longer remember)
p.s. if there are not willing, we will hand out just like that ;)
do not let these newbs nothing ATO PTS. soon fell from PG)))
Don't listen to this Jew and get me, novopolochan, che is on the hammer, and then I goly at all.
so get dressed from Akari, th problem or something? Then finally naked uncivilized to go (((
gave everything =)
there can not be your theme to remove right? then if the admin is reading, then remove the subject and these, they are no longer relevant:
going to do the same with autism, but only on hardcore