Manual optimization (Fast & Furious Crossroads)
These settings will help you fully appreciate this wonderful action-racing.High fps with graphics are almost max quality and the best smoothing!
Let's file GraphicsConfigDX11.xml
Way I have: C:"Users" name"AppData'Local'Slightly Mad Studios'Fast and Furious Crossroads
prop name="Vsync" vsync="1"
prop name="FrameLatency" framelatency="2"
prop name="AntiAlias" antialias="1"
prop name="SMAAFXAA" smaafxaa="1"
prop name="Borderless" borderless="1"
prop name="TextureFilter" texturefilter="5"
prop name "TextureResolution" textureresolution"2" (if the graphics card is less than 4GB, try 1 or 0)
prop name="CarDetailLevel" cardetaillevel="2"
prop name="TrackDetailLevel" trackdetaillevel="3"
prop name="ShadowDetailLevel" shadowdetaillevel="2"
prop name="MotionblurLevel" motionblurLevel="0"
prop name="EffectsDetailLevel" effectsdetaillevel="2"
prop name="EnvmapDetailLevel" envmapdetaillevel="3"
prop name="MirrorEnabled" mirrorenabled="1"
prop name="MirrorEnhanced" mirrorenhanced="1"
prop name="EnvmapReflectionDetailLevel" envmapreflectiondetaillevel="2"
prop name="GraphicsLevel" graphicslevel="3"
prop name="SuperSampling" supersampling="0"
prop name="LowSuperSampling" lowsupersampling="1"
RX 560 4GB card easily takes out at FullHD
Who can be useful, but it is better not to play this "masterpiece" of gaming.
Jersey Devil
yes, the optimization is funny, in the game the graphone oscillates between driver san francisco and NFS Heat, as if the game was not finished and released as is. I'm just average exposed, no difference and on my gth1080 gives 60 fps in 1440r. eh, sorry it's short and there are no bots in the multiplayer, so would have chased against the cops, as in the good old midtown madness.