The problem with the homeless (Tropico 6)
I have a huge number of homeless families, even though housing I'm building enough and for the rich and for the poor, but when click on home, then see that there lives no one lives or a couple of people. How can this be solved?1)if the homeless person has the status of BANKRUPT it can not pay for housing,even poor La
2) if the worker works(roughly speaking) at one end of the city and housing on the other,he built a shack and live close to work
Matvey Sobolev
Wow, thank you very much, didn't know about it, even.Have home closer to work to build. And you can somehow bring the person from the status of a bankrupt?
And you're that person who is a bankrupt, give him a bribe. and see what happens. Personally, I have activated free housing .
It can be a part of the barracks transferred to the operation mode above. Then these huts will be available to the bankrupt, but the quality of housing decreases.
well, or to give a man a job)here micromanagement,permanent race number of residents,number of working places available, etc.
More infuriates a bug in the sandbox with pensioners, in the last version was solved by the decree social security. Per 1,000 population 70 60 homeless seniors, the only solution free housing, but it hits the Treasury. Or at least would have done as the first part, where the part of houses, such as old make with 0 rent, and expensive to leave with the lease, and this budget stupid in housing overall.