Subscription jubisoft for AC Valhalla (Assassin's Creed: Valhalla)
Something I thought, is it not easier for a month for 1000 rubles subscription "yubisoft" to issue than to buy a fulpry for 2500? What do you think?Protocol10
That's what everyone did. Only there a trial transaction equals the cost of a subscription, which created a small scandal.
you pay roughly twice, first 1000 goes to the bank, after an hour 1000 goes already Jubisoft, the first part of the money to you returns exactly the bank somewhere in 10 days (I personally in 10 days and returned)
I got it. It's weird. I've never heard of any trial transactions. Paid and paid.
I was also surprised, read about this when only issued a subscription, thought "fixed" or type of that, but when paid an hour later tried to write off another 999 rubles but I had a limit and I thought well and ok, and on the trail of the day at 00:01 wrote off, I wake up in the morning and opa, there is no money;
I realized, maybe I will make, I do not know only whether I will have time to pass it in a month, say there the plot of the clock for 50-60 it is necessary to play for 2-3 hours every day.
I don't know how much of the plot, but I've already played 39 hours (here on uplay) and passed only 29% and this given that I try to collect and inspect ... Look, if you can take it, I hope that by the 27th of the day I will pass, or then I have that day to run out of subscription q (
I get it. Hike special make so long to not have time for a month to pass and buy a subscription.
I'll probably take it at the same time and the watch dog will be priced by the rays, and there I will already know that it is better to pass first and whether it is worth it at all
Well, I passed the lot of dogs very quickly, even while waiting for the Assassin to collect various documents, etc. Roughly speaking, you can go over the weekend...
took, did not take anything for any additional trazakation, I hope not such shit as a syndicate, odyssey and oridine, well, if it does not come, then in the dogs and in anno. Either way, the game is shit for me. On the forum wrote about it. I want to convince myself that this is indeed the case.
trial transactions are almost everywhere where you tie the card, just usually they depending on the service and the country is either 1 ruble, or 1 dollar, not 1000 rubles
In general, played half an hour and demolished to make room for the dog to release, this valgala - some shit, not a game. Character at all is not felt by animations and movements, it is not pleasant to run, unpleasant people to kill with an axe. Graphon after RDR2 is also about nothing, reminds the choraizen something, kind of tolerant from afar, and if you think about it neither detail nor study. At 4k he played.