How can software reduce the temperature of the graphics card?
Boost fan turnover with MSI AfterburnerThe Crew
not all cards allow you to do this with you, in theory it is safe if slowly on 0.020 B to lower and test stability.
And why do something there software? Fields of her national with cold water hose, or from the freezer from a bottle. It's going to cool down right away.
or to lower the chostota so that she does not come out of hibernation, but then it can work unstable and maybe break probably
either fan on ultra maximum put
even as an option in games you can visit and the desktop to reduce the fps and the most importantly update of the monitor. Surely there is such software. you don't really need to work more than 15 fps.
but the current author of the bake theme is especially not baked because it is not here.