Event name problem: APPCRASH (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
don't run the label says !Event name problem: APPCRASH
Application name: Launcher.exe_Launcher
Application version:
The timestamp of the application: 585a04a5
The name of the module with the error: KERNELBASE.dll
The version of the module with the error: 6.1.7601.18229
The time stamp module with the error: 51fb1677
Exception code: c06d007e
Offset exceptions: 000000000000940d
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1049
Additional information 1: 7283
Additional information 2: 72836eb6216b49be15302fdb224c1b5d
Additional information 3: d631
Additional information 4: d6311e49b3bf83a0e3317ed51965407f
Vitaly Strict-Buchanan
Microsoft Net Framework it is necessary to put or update,not sure it was such crap like that.
Vitaly Strict-Buchanan
1.Update your DirectX (we recommend you to download the entire distribution, and from it to install) .
2. Update the drivers, and NVIDIA also install PhysX.
3. Exclude from the path to the game folder Cyrillic characters and spaces, etc.:
Wrong Ava game
That's Right - C:\Games\game_name
4. Try different compatibility modes in the properties of the shortcut to run the game (check the modes Vista, XP SP2, XP SP3).
5. In the shortcut properties tab on the Compatibility check Run this program as Administrator.
6. If does not help - add the executable to the DEP exception list. Either completely disable DEP:
Start --> in search bar cmd --> PCM Run as Administrator --> in the window that appears: Code: SELECT ALL: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
I have a Nvidia 9800GT graphics card, up to 10 DirectX. After the updates of the game it was put to support mainly on the 11th, after which I can not play this game, as soon as I choose the city where my first garage will be - the game flies out. I have a Wind and so has its own graphic driver, but still install the last driver for my video card. So, to play this game now, I need to delete the installation files of the Nvidia driver, namely (maybe that's where the Graphic Driver is written). After that, everything works perfectly. But other games don't start, crash. Having played the trucker again install the driver Nvidia, and install exactly a graphic driver, there you can choose, well, if only removed it and that's what prevented you from playing.