Not working together 2 operas memory.
Bought on Sunday, the computer, gathered, started playing, everything was fine. But I'm the asshole decided to polyarylates and to adjust the backlight of the cooler. The cooler runoff from 3700x amd. There are two wires, one usb, the other in rgb on the motherboard. usb hooked up, left, rgb, found the manuals, where is the port, here's the mother: ASRock X370 Killer SLI. The port is called: amd_fan_led1. Hooked to it, but on the wrong side and placed upside down. Turn on the computer and it goes into endless reboot. The RAM rearranged as you like, 1 channel, 2 channel, but all to no avail, the computer only works with 1 RAM, no matter what. Here RAM:HX429C17FW2K2/16 . In the Internet found responses only with curved legs percent, but I couldn't bend like? the cooler I did not take off as was well worth it when the wires were connected, I don't derbanit. What do Brady? Squander not want 16GB...BIOS sees the memory? Then, look in the documentation how to set. Sometimes you have the memory to different slots to put.
Kirewa wrote:
Hooked to it, but on the wrong side and placed upside down.
You turned once to the wrong side?) Congratulations, you've closed the contacts. Most likely something burned. Now only in service. Memory is all OK, most likely you have something on the mother killed.
See joke. Put one bar of RAM in the first slot and the second in 3. Enjoy life!
By the way, the Squeaker in the system unit is? How many squeaks emits when you turn on the computer, if more than one then Google in the help signals. If there are tweeters, run to the store - a very necessary thing. Costs pennies, and use the car!
Mother not so easy to kill, especially on the gaming motherboard. There are always foolproof. Disable undesirable when the power is turned on, and turn on the computer, if not properly located supply any items of iron is not critical. The maximum error will be caught up. And is the computer beeping, swearing at all the error codes... that can Kill you hard if to stick / remove the power during working of the computer. And... Perhaps, everything.
Solerno still insist - all treatments with iron to carry out when you turn off the power supply. Note, after switching off (from the network or the power button the PSU) the power supply is still energy, the solution is to flip the on button on the system unit.
Kirewa wrote:
Hooked to it, but on the wrong side and placed upside down.
I mean upside down?
That is, the port is correct, but only the pins beguiled?