Getting all the achievements (Genshin Impact)
Hello, I'm trying to get all the achievements. However, I was faced with the problem that some achievements give under certain conditions in some quests. So for example in the section with achievements called Snow Tears does not believe I, I have not fulfilled the achievements. And this quest I have long been suitable. Is it possible to get these achievements?4 Comments
Have. Two dailys take part in the "Snow Tears Does Not Believe" achievement. For example, in the quest of Tsarevich, there are three variants of passage, you need to complete all three to open the ace, that is to pass the quest three times. This applies to almost all achievements where the quests are included.
Rin Shirayuki
All you do not, there are also hidden are, and those that are tied to the hedgehog, you can at least wait for months and they will not curse. New ones will be added over time.