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vassagotmn 06.12.20 02:31 am

Full SOJ chest part 2 (and the bloodiest) (Diablo 2)

Hello world!
I decided to repeat my summer feat and find out how many sojays will turn out with a full chest of unique rings knocked out with the hellish Andriel.
The main acting character is a sorceress of the 94 level with the sweet-thieving nickname Of The Omka.
The homca has 2 elements of ice and lightning
Buran 5100 damage and chain lightning 2260 damage, it is enough to beat any of the bosses.
Mf with smoot and charms, 252 x 100 basic: a total of 352 mf.
I run in solitary without any mules, ran and 8 ppl on the brow difference did not notice.
(now rotten tomatoes will fly in me on the part of Diablo's fathers 2) but I came to this conclusion myself
I'm not going to revise that question.
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vassagotmn 06.12.20

So far, 500 races have been completed
We have the following figures:
raceNo9 -unique ring
race No.16 - unique ring
race No48 - unique ring
Race No82- Unique Ring
Race No87- Unique Ring
race No124- Shako (135)
race No140 - 2 unique rings
raceNo182- smiley 20 kp
race No183 - unique ring
race No210 - a unique ring
race No231 - unique ring
race No.331 - zakarum 194%
race No365 - unique ring
race No379 - unique ring
race No388 - unique ring
race No425 - unique ring
Race No454 - Heavens 3-2
race No485 - unique ring

SergeyS1988 06.12.20

I'm interested in ppt, what are the peppers and bots?)))

Manifold 06.12.20

100 basic mf, what is it?

hypehypehype 06.12.20

na pg dropa net
i bazovogo mf tozhe ofc

Sweety_Mustard 06.12.20

Oh, the new fir is growing up -- new unknown mechanics? And why post a nettle like a duck stick - the same topic about soot like, not?

Grinaaa Morningstar 06.12.20

Didn't you know about the basic mf? Lol.

Grinaaa Morningstar 06.12.20

vein of grip and infernos, obviously

Sweety_Mustard 06.12.20

Come on, what are you swooping like a pituhas XD Still there is no one else writes :C

You go to the store - A pack of java, please - 100 rubles - Write to the account of the basic! :DD

RomanDII 06.12.20

And how many of them are sojay?)
Nagels and manals?

vassagotmn 06.12.20

Here you play Persian with a certain mf, you turn the mule naked it's 100 mf so? judging by your (joke by the way gnarled and not in the subject) then the Persian without a smoot to the mf nothing should fall because mif 0

vassagotmn 06.12.20

There is a theme first where I collected a full chest, you will dig if you need to find and look, here I still a full chest has not collected, maybe and nagels, and may be soji, and I myself wonder how will be the second time

Sweety_Mustard 06.12.20

X% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items is the name of this affix. And typing mf, mean it - and the naked does not have it. Like 100 rubles - so the joke is awesome and in the theme of XD

minovalo 06.12.20

The thicker of this supposedly stupid only inadequacy of the muder.
MF is not a basic value, but a chance factor of drop (and for raok, sets and unis the increase is non-linear).

vassagotmn 06.12.20

You didn't answer the question, if you're playing alone and say you've got 300mph, you've got one mule, it's going to be 400? and I wrote this about the basic mf, because I read on the forums what is and it is equal to a hundred, that you have now answered me not convinced me completely . words and only
all that I wrote, did not come up with myself, there is and not on one forum, and on many. maybe it's not like that.

Sweety_Mustard 06.12.20

No, there won't be 400. If you've got a mule and you're wearing a jack, your mf will be 50%. If you take him out, the mf will remain 50%. MF in general from mules does not depend - the current from the worn clothes with such an affix. The chance of a drop of a particular clothes depends, but there the formulas are somewhat more complex - for the lazy there are calculators drop.
And forums - well, you have written that you have a basic mf 100% or there 531%, and in a couple of years another noob will open the link your opus and will refer to you :D
By the cipher mf is always implied by its percentage increase due to the affix on the schmoat relative to the plinth; but I xz - mb y tya and plinth at an altitude of 1 meter in the room))) Or there 500 meters from sea level.

Oxycanta 06.12.20

it's very simple, the number of players depends on the number of things that fall out, and the mf - the chance that these things will be magic/rare/uniq. Your mf depends only on your extra (in the case of barb - mf skil) and it is not affected by ppl. Killed Andariel by 1ppl - dropped 3 things, killed at 8ppl - fell 5-6 things. And the chance as was increased by, say, 300% (mf) and will remain that each of these things will be unusual.

minovalo 06.12.20

Oxycanta wrote:
in the case of barb - mf skil
He doesn't have any mof-skills. FI just gives you a chance to drop something.

Oxycanta 06.12.20

It's gone,

> Will Magic Find work to increase finding Magic Items with the Barbarian's Find Item Skill?
> Yes.

So it's skill edil to the total mf on top of another %

Kover 06.12.20

Where is the guarantee that it all works in the same way as on a third-party resource?
Spoilers are like it's a Battlenet site, everything works as intended.

minovalo 06.12.20

Oxycanta wrote:
Skill throws to the total mf on top of his %
No, of course not. It's a stupid chance of a dead body.
% Chance of finding item min(5 + [55 * [ (110*slvl) / (slvl+6) ] / 100] , 60)
Oxycanta wrote:
increase finding Magic Items
doesn't translate in the way you think.