DualSense (Forza Horizon 4)
If anyone can find a way to work the gamepad, please unsubscribe here, even after a while. On DualShock 4, the game worked perfectly through DS4Windows, but the new Sony gamepad is still in the air. Through steam, in fact, all games work fine, but for the Windows store you need another emulator.2 Comments
And in short, he himself found the impulse reddit
Spoiler Here in the description everything is and works. For forza you need to check "Hide DS4 Controller" in the settings.
Zombieller Or maybe not only gamepads, but also a console? Yes, and a crutch there only with a Windows side, for the rest, just the included steam is enough. I now have an Xbox One gamepad, if the DS works even in forze, then I can safely drain it as unnecessary.