Completed the game and 100% everywhere (Tomb Raider (2013))
Passed the game, and everywhere 100%, and in the final they write, - "You have passed the game 98%, etc. It's a shame !!! -gu 98% at least shoot yourself.artmaster33
All camps are 100% (view) and all improvements are completed. (weapons, skills, costumes).
Traveler's Tomb (Loadable) Completed at (2) Coastal Forest?
finel 03/10/13 10:11 PM
If all Camps are 100% cleared - but the overall statistics are 98%, then most likely you have not cleared the Cove above the cliff location, or something like that) It is not in the Fast Travel menu, you can only get there on foot from the beach where clearance ended. More specifically - open the card and at the very bottom left it is almost.
Taken from here
I tried the save game like everything is smart.
What's more, Lara's diaries are all (10) listened to around the fires.
This is not a glitch for sure, because I ran on different versions. Be patient, - I go through the last time, making saves in each camp.
Hello everyone. Guys, I ask you to help. can't find the latest modification for the bow. Tell me !!! WHERE TO GET IT ??? WHERE SHE
LIES ???
Ekaterina 111
In the Shore of Sorrow location after visiting the wrecked ship (where they will give one more lotion to the bow), take an improved bow from Ion.
So, the game is 100% completed. The reason for the shortage of percent was an error with obtaining a recursive bow, Lara was very eager to fight and forgot to approach Ivan. The topic was solved.
So, the game is 100% completed. The topic has been resolved.
Malaca, well done.
I just can't find the fourth flag on the walls (in the game it is called "old residents" in this Bunker above the rock or camp, which is without a quick transition.
Accordingly, the game is 99% completed. The rest is all collected. Can remember who where they are located?
One flag hangs on a high mast, when it went upstairs where there is a huge electric motor, and below there is a camp, so there is a high mast on the left and the flag hangs on it.
Thank you all 100%. Figs would have found him. Very high, only this is not a mast, but one of the towers of a metal inoperative car lift.
Thanks again for the tip.
There is a + button on the right, which means thanks, helped.
No, it's just like
Well, you can just run, hunt deer (with a bow), finish off the remaining enemies, find all the yellow boxes with spare parts, find all the plants (which bring experience)
You see how much more can be done
I have the same thing, I collected everything, everything is 100%, weapons, everything is 100%, 2 more unused skill points remained. but they wrote at the end that by 98%
Open this screen on the TAB and examine all the data, at the top right, documents, skills, etc. Somewhere you will find an unopened document or a not found artifact.