How can I quickly change religion? (Total War: Attila)
I wanted to build another religion, but there are no buildings or provinces to spread this religion. Maybe you need to climb the files?oleg bahankov
In the window of religions everything is painted, which one you choose and promote. If the influence of another religion is greater than the main one, then of course you can choose another religion as the main one, or suppress riots in cities with another religion, focusing on your own one.
Other methods are already cheating, the internet is full of all sorts of jokes about this.
If your people can arrange resettlement, then they simply outweighed themselves to the province with the religion you need. For the Roman empires, you can easily return paganism. Other religions are difficult to take for large countries, the Roman empires and Persia, you can of course surrender all the provinces captured before this you need, but for me this is nonsense. One cannot change religion for the Huns.