Give Russian to Steam a weight! (The Crew)
We need a Russian on the Steam version!Or will it roll out of yupley?) Rename pc_rus to pc_steam_rus?) Although unlikely.
I flipped through the topics down, there was almost everyone who threw them off) Well, okay)
Blood [dk]
riyali downloaded from Steam a month ago, the
game in Russian
can be your handshake crooked-eyed doesn’t allow you to switch the language when installing
evil.burmistroff wrote:
maybe it’s your handshake, crooked-eyed doesn’t allow you to switch the language
when installing, there is no Russian when installing, there is Chinese instead of Russian, but there is a Steam version.
hmm, my steam version was Russian immediately turned on, but it was a gift from Yubi from a fail with Unity, maybe later steam just removed the Russian version from the game /
Yes, a friend from England gave me the game during the release, there is no Russian language by default!
WW (world wide) only.
ATP kanesh! But this is all known, because I have been doing this operation since the release of the game)