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PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20 05:02 am

MF Sorka (Diablo 2)

Guys, good day. I decided to do it and this time deliberately approach the process of pumping and equipment. The first charm I decided to make a magpie (FO / Meteor), so that I could wear the Maina later, but I just got stuck on the 5th act of hella, I still can't decide on the clothes, the optimal% of the mf, so that the rest can be driven into the block and resists.


Helmet: Shako + P. Topaz
Armor: Scullders Ire
Shield: Rhyme
Bots: War traveler
Perches: Chance Guards
Belt: Tal Rasha
1 weapon: oculus + ist rune
2 weapons: low rez

wend lvl 2 From nagelringi rings, there are dwarf rings , raven frost. I still wear it on + mf, there are practically no cuts there. Tal Rush's amulet for the set has not been knocked out, and the armor falls only from the baal.

As a result, we get: 510 mph, 51% block and almost complete absence of resists, given the presence of a bunch of charms. The crux of the question is whether such a large% mf is needed or can it be lowered to 300-350 and some things replaced with more suitable ones? Already that day I have been hitting stormshield from the mefa, but until now I have not seen either 1 or even% mf + 4 (8) ppl does not save. It seems that with a lower% MF, the clothes fell better (the same shako and ali baba I knocked out the blade at 300%, and the chances are also small).
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PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Obsessed Yes, it's too boring to be alone. I'll go to the servos, start simultaneously pumping mf chara + main in order to injure the bosses with a quest. Let's see how it all will look)

Roma Dudov 20.12.20

Well I do not know. I like the single, no delays for you, and raise 5 seconds on command, and start mules, locomotives for me are the height of masochism IMHO. Not a single rune can force me a torment with 8 windows, but nafig it is necessary. Fu ....

Obsessed 20.12.20

PoRNoVoIN, the difference between qdrop / normal drop is almost invisible in LOD. it is noticeably visible on rarkas (with a yellow name), and at first it is more useful from unique / runes / greenery.

passed 20.12.20

Above 5, it turns out there is no point in raising
On mefa - no (in the sense of yes: D). The baal and di are the same, andy has 7, but with wounds only it makes no sense to bully PPL.

the main thing is not to let the party charu open the portal.
It is enough not to enter the barn for the one who opens it.

passed 20.12.20

I like the
single. Single for shitmodes and tests. Those. not needed by and large. On the rights of imkhi, office.

Obsessed 20.12.20

passed,: D do not be shy, write like a tattoo with a firm: "single is not needed"!

Immense 20.12.20

studying clothes. Before going to the battlenet, I want to understand as much as possible. I will
answer with a slightly corrected quote from "The Lord of the Rings": "Run, you fool!" With this approach, you will hang here for a good ten years. Do not trust? Ask Obsession.

PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Immense And on servers someone creates games with mules, where you can go to farm in 8 pp for example? It's just that I don't have much time to play, and just for the sake of showing off a drop, I still can't tune myself to sacrifice the convenience of the single in this regard. I don't plan PVP at all. Does it make sense to change a single for PVM on servers?

Rivnyanyn 20.12.20

if on Hardcore then yes! I recommend))) And so trade only, you can buy almost everything for runes from wigs, but sell the current one.

PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Rivnyanyn Is it the ones from the barn or the wound to the countess, pit, etc.?

Obsessed 20.12.20

PoRNoVoIN, here it is easier to find what exactly you need by trading with other types. so "run, you fool!" ;-) games "with mules" are created, but do not last long. although, usually enough for farming.

PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Obsessed So you need to buy something else) And much depends on the chances of a drop. The admin did not cut anything here, did not twist it? And why doesn't farming last long with mules?) Do mules kick or just someone can interfere?

I still wanted to ask how exactly muling works? I bring 7 windows to the main enchantment and it's enough just to leave them in the city, but can I run myself? Or carry it with you somehow?)

Rivnyanyn 20.12.20

As you look into the water;)
Admin twisted, but >>
IRKNET August 24 at 21:54
Rivnyanyn Inquiries
on the gameplay are not given.
The mules of the 1st level will drop in a couple of minutes.
If you carry 7 mules with you, the chances of non-drop drop to zero, but this is generally a shyza, IMHO.
Runes can be easily picked up by driving wigs on the classic http://www.rubattle.net/diablo2/guides/2997/

Obsessed 20.12.20

PoRNoVoIN, pfft! no matter how the administrator cuts, there is always enough to "run, down". the question that over the years it gets boring, do not even think about it. ;-)
farming doesn't last long because these are # brâ„– games. Baal run (race against Baal with his retinue), where # is the difficulty (br, nmbr, hbr), and # is the game number. 8 snouts usually fit into the game, seven swing, and you farm. "mules" here - all sorts of stupidity, pumping themselves lvl. ;-)

muling - what is this in your understanding? "locomotive" for the quest in Act 4 or something else? there is almost no need to take them out of the city for locomotives.

[edit] fan? hello fan! ; D

passed 20.12.20

If you carry 7 mules with you, then the chances of a non-drop drop to zero. It
depends on who ..

Didn't the admin cut anything here, didn't he twist it?
Surely no one will say (and OH, too; D), but the drop of runes from mobs looks typical for 1.11-1.12 (if anything, this is not a casual tracheeres 1.13+) - i.e. like "sundu (chO) k jax for 5 years". xD Items fell as they fell.

PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Rivnyanyn Thank you! I ran through the link, but something a little tight for perception) I will try to read and understand.

Obsessed No. I just thought that the mullahs would need to be carried around for the ppl multiplier. If you can create your own game, start 7 mullahs (well, since 1 lvl drops, then 10-20 them up) and sit on 8 ppl, leaving them in the city, then all right. And so it would be dreary.

If you can drop in to the already swinging people, there are 3-4 on the server or 7 (to be 8) and injure the mefa / baal while they swing there somewhere, then this is great.

passed I apologize, I played version 1.12 for a very long time and I don't remember the features of the drop in it. With runes not doing very well, or what? Let's say I want to make Hammerdeen Main. He wants Enigma and Oak flail. Is it realistic to realize or I won't be able to afford such a luxury in the near future?

Of course, I want to try the game on servers, but so far I can not find an argument for myself, given the lack of time, which would overpower the convenience of playing with ppl in a single. There are no lags, no one distracts, pp is regulated in seconds. The downside is that you need to knock out any runes and gear yourself without the opportunity to buy. Something like this)

Immense 20.12.20

taking into account the
lack of time Half of the server suffers from lack of time, someone works, someone studies, someone has a family. If you want to play for yourself, so to speak, pho fan, and especially since pvp, as you said, is not of interest (or maybe you just didn’t try?), Then you don’t need to dart on enigma.

Uncle fred 20.12.20

Playing online is certainly more interesting.

PoRNoVoIN 20.12.20

Immense How difficult is it to get the same enigma? Of course, I would not want to dart, but so, for reference, to know what to prepare for)

passed 20.12.20

With runes not doing very well, or what?
Drag / farm / trade / throw (hmm, the latter is probably superfluous: D). All will be. Or not. xD

Is it realistic to realize or I won't be able to afford such a luxury in the near future?
For some it is a luxury, and for some a means of transportation. ;) But seriously, without wigs it can stretch for an indefinite period.

for reference, to know what to prepare for
. Weaving (probably more now) of steam