Discontinued (The Crew)
The game is crashing, half a year has passed since it began to crash, it does not start at all, before playing at max settings everything was stable, I even reinstalled Windows and put a curtain on all the drivers, it still crashes. Tech support is silent, bought from uplayVidyaha nvidia or laptop myself I guess before on the nvidia patch 3 ... it started somehow but now it is not
Well, I also reinstalled Windows, and the drivers are all over again, it still crashes, where only I did not climb in Google I did not find an answer that would help, and I do not have a laptop, does it crash too?
agree, they can be anything you want, but not a quality playable product, technical problems are everywhere
Miko86 agrees
about those problems in all games, but as I installed the game 2 years ago, so it stands without problems and starts and plays without any problems. of course there are bugs in the game, FPS drawdowns are unclear why, but otherwise everything is a bunch.
What error crashes when crashing?