More than one external hard drive won't start
Hello forum, I don’t even know whether this is a hard drive or a software problem, but such a computer does not see more than one external hard drive (hard workers), when connected, the hard drive spins up and then stops and emits a squeak, I read that it could be due to a lack of power and, accordingly, a bad power supply , but I checked it in Aida with a stress test, the power supply for 5 and 12 volts is kept normal, tell me what could beYurchik Blaga Prodd
The problem may be a lack of power on the USB outputs: due to a malfunction of the mat. board, or due to the large number of connected USB devices.
A wd hard drive for 1 terabyte, only a keyboard and a mouse are connected to USB, the fact is that all USB groups behave differently, if you connect a hard drive to the rear connectors, then the hard drive does not even start to spin up, and if the front ones on the case are hard starts spinning and stops with a short squeak.
1, Check the work under liveseed.
2, Open the system unit to visually check the condensers.
3. Carry to service.
Yurchik Blaga Prodd
And what does aida have to do with it, if there is a source for the disc? Or do you have 2.5 "?
Does the computer accept any other USB device? If not, then update / install the drivers on the motherboard and you will be happy.
Yes, everything else works without problems, flash drives, phones and other peripherals work without problems, the problem is only with external hard drives, in general, I understand that the hard system sees only if it is connected through the front panel on the case (but only sees in "devices and printers "in the device manager they are visible as a USB device and they are not in" my computer "). If connected via USB on the motherboard, then they are not visible at all in the system.
Yurchik Blaga Prodd
Connect the screw to the computer and go to the device dispatcher, go through the "USB controllers" and see how much power he is eating, he may really not have enough. And yet, the screw is not accidentally 3.0, do you have support on the motherboard?
500ma, yes USB 3.0, but it works fine on a laptop and with 2.0, the motherboard is like this asrock 960gm-vgs3 fx. Well, in general, everything worked fine before.