Goods fall through the counters. (Fallout 4)
Goods fall through the counters that I build in shopping centers.Is it mine or a common bug? Falls through everything to the ground level, that is, through all structures. Also: in Senchuari, he built a personal building for GG, placed trophies, teleported back and forth = goods from the illuminated counters fell through, in the "residence" everything tumbled, a mess, trophy figurines of robots, dishes, etc. are scattered not only over the area of ​​the room and fell through the textures, but were thrown even beyond the walls and the construction area.
Only an elevator leads to the bunker. Only racks with magazines, mannequins ("Silver Cloak") and racks with armor and weapons do not change. The rest is a mess!
I read it on the forum
It looks like the problem cannot be solved.
It's a pity. I think in general the game is not finalized very well. Not bad, but such small bugs greatly reduce the enjoyment of the game. You can, of course, not build anything or build in a quick way from trash, but then the whole story can be completed in 5 hours. For this, the size of 35 GB toys is not needed, and even more so the DLC of construction sites is completely unnecessary.
I've only played enough for 28 hours ... So far I have rebuilt 2 settlements. And then in the second, I just put a wooden shed for now, and threw beds there ... It will do ... And in the first, in short, I built a house of concrete. At random ... Rectangular even turned out ... There are light windows. And also washed down the beds. And machine guns, just heaps. All sorts of guns. The defense is concrete. So far, there are two settlements. In short, simple tin. If the legendary comes, the residents don't need to fight. The cannons themselves will cook everything right. The construction took about an hour. Hastily. But with a soul. For more, I would not have taken out ... So far, I have dumb talk about shelter. The construction is not for my patience. So I'll probably put the beds. Let them sleep as they want. Well, maybe I'll bring some light and some water. And that's enough. Locks are not needed there. Locks are too kosher for them. They will sleep in the shacks. We would have made dugouts. Maybe there was a plague. Dugout, a bed and a glass of water. And a metafruit tree. A slave will live for decades ...
Faced this for a long time and just "scored". I put a mod for the figures of robots - there they no longer fall from the shelves.
New Craftable BobbleHead Displays - Shelves and Animated Skulls