Skins (Spider-Man 2: The Game)
additional costumes!textures will be uploaded here to create new skins
Yes, this game is old, forgotten. Now, if you could make skins for this game, only the console version
Can you make skins for the console version? (it can be run on a pc via an emulator)
Yes, I think so too. By the way, on the Internet, I recently saw a skin for the console version of this game "ultimate spider-man", it's a pity now I can no longer find it
Well, it seems to me you can run texmod through the emulator, now I'll check it
Oh, you can! You just need to start the emulator and the game itself, here is the screen:
Only I have an emulator from GameCube, not from PlayStation 2, but the version of the game is the same, so you can make skins, and It's cool!