Saints Row 4: Cheat Codes. (Saints Row 4)
During the game, set it to pause and select the"Extras" menu item , then the "Cheats" item.
Select "Add Cheat" and enter one of the indicated cheat codes
to activate the desired cheat function. If everything is done correctly,
you will hear a confirmation sound.
Note: Achievements and auto-save are not available when using cheat codes,
you can still save manually.
unlockitall - open all
cheese - get $ 100,000
letsrock - get all weapons (alien RPG, baseball bat, automatic rifle,
heavy pistol, heavy SMG, McManus 2020, semi-auto
shotgun.fryhole - all dead go to heaven
runfast - running all the time
goodygoody - clear the bad name about you (become good)
vroom - your vehicle is not destroyed
isquishyou - your vehicle
flattens other vehicles hohoho - all pedestrians are pimps and corrupt women.
mascot - all pedestrians -
repaircar mascots - repair your vehicle
nowardens - disable Warden Spawns.
instantwarden - Instant Warden Notoriety.
superblast - open Blast.
superbuff - open Buff.
superdfa - Unlock Death From Above.
superstomp - open Stomp.
supersaints - Unlock Super Saints.
runfast - Open Super Sprint.
supertk - open Telekinesis.
nosupermove - disable super movement
nosuperpowers - disable super power
CODES bigger vehicle:
givedestroyer - create AB Destroyer
givehovertank - create Alien the Hover Tank
givehovercar - create Alien the Hover Car
givetrouble - create Alien the Jet Bike
giveufo - create Alien UFO
giveattrazione - create Attrazione
givecribship - create Crib Ship
givecrusader - Spawn Crusader
givecrusadercyrus - Spawn Cruasder Cyrus
givecrusadersaints - Spawn Crusader Saints
giveeagle -
Spawn Eagle giveeaglem16 - Spawn Eagle - m16
giveeagleswat - Spawn Eagle - SWAT
givegunslinger - Spawn Gunslinger
givegunslingerpolice - Spawn Gunslinger Police
givekey - Spawn Key
givelightning - Spawn Lightning
givemonster - Spawn Monster Truck
giveoppressor - Spawn Oppressor
giveoppressorangel - Spawn Oppressor Angel
giveoppressorpolice - Spawn Oppressor Police
givepony - Spawn Pony Cart
givecurreplessurple - Spawn Recursor Green
Rex Recursor Red
giverelic - Spawn Relic
givesnipes - Spawn Snipes 57
givekillbanejet - Spawn Snipes 57 Killbane
givestiletto -
Spawn Stiletto givethompson -
Spawn Thompson givetornadoassault - Spawn Tornado Assault
givetornadomorningstar - Spawn Tornado Morningstar
givetornadong - Spawn Tornado NG version
givetornadopolice - Spawn Tornado Police
givetornadosaints - Spawn Tornado Saints
giveturret - Spawn Turret
giveturreths - Spawn Turret HS
giveverminator - Spawn
givevtol - Spawn VTOL givevtol -
Spawn VTOL
spawn Vulture givevulturemorningstar - Spawn Vulture Morningstar
givevulturesaints - Spawn Vulture Saints
givevulturespotlight - Spawn Vulture Spotlight
giveturretwh - Spawn White House USA Turret
givewoodpecker - Spawn Woodpecker
givewoodpeckerluchadore - create Woodpecker Luchadore
OTHER cheat codes:
ascii - the ASCII mode
bigheadmode - Big head mode
noglitchcity - disable Glitch the FX
dui - drunken pedestrians
evilcars - hellish cars
fastforward - to accelerate time
slowmo - slow time
imhuge - a great player
ittybitty - a tiny player
fryhole - Heaven Bound
hidehud - hide HUD
insanecity - insane city
gravitykills - weak gravity
bigbadaboom - super explosions
goldengun - one hit
kill notrated - M ++ rating
The last 3 cheat codes must first be
unlocked before use.
Minus people - if you are not interested in cheats, this does not mean that they are not interesting to everyone, someone will be interested just for the sake of fun (and this game for me is only good for this).
I hope it doesn't work in multiplayer mode, haven't tried it myself :)
Rostislav Igumnov
may be the old version and therefore there is no function try to download another version
THOR_MSI wrote:
nowardens - disable Warden Spawns.
Damn, how they pissed off and did not give enough pampering in the city ... but, it turns out, there is a cheat that cuts them off =