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Ness_ 23.12.20 06:25 am

Ban Megapihara on ST. (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Yesterday, Megapihar was banned for a week (pending the final trial) on ST for allegedly using a triggerbot. As proof, one of the admins presented the following gif:
https://gfycat.com/IncredibleWhirlwindAsianconstablebutterfly The
admin is far from a "crab", as some might think, and has vast experience playing with top players (including winning the Premier League clanbase ictf). Those. we are not talking about another viksoid. Actually, the admin sees a 100% trigger in Pihar: "so no one shoots." Like, Pihar even with a rocket (and at a distance) jerks his hand left and right so that there is an intersection with the opponent's figure. No healing. Like the accusations of yogis a year and a half or two ago ..

I must say right away that this subject is not an accusation. Opinions are divided on this score. Most bourgeois argue that this is a trigger. In our community - so far only the Simulator.
I'm posting a demo where the GIF was cut from so that people can watch and express themselves if they wish.
Cheat experts are invited to the studio. You can safely skip the first couple of minutes.
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HKS-Megapihar 23.12.20

Hello everyone)
Ness blocked the link to the exchanger from Adguard, uploaded it to the mail https://cloud.mail.ru/public/KLiu/AD78R6CG5
Rubbing the pens)

mimo prohodil 23.12.20

to the fire !!!

_Naut_ 23.12.20

some strange shots from the rocket, if you look, assuming that the pih used the trigger, it looks similar.
and what happened before and after in the demo? fill in another four-thread suspicious [:

Ness_ 23.12.20

_Naut_ wrote:
some strange shots from the rocket, if you look, assuming that the pih used the trigger, it looks like
Actually, they paid attention to this, they say, the rocket burned the trigger ... If you want more, see the demo. In the near future, the admin also promised a lengthy video with Pikha or a cut of "obviously" pale moments.

imi 23.12.20

Looked at demos from Grendel. Well, it's impossible to say for sure that the bot uses it, because more than half of the shots are clearly made "by itself" :) And it is difficult to burn the triggerbot due to its nature. Is that in such episodes, as in a GIF, or drunk) But I noticed a strange feature: there are a lot of moments where he shoots at milk at all, and then suddenly abruptly x * yak and 4-6 hits in a row come from shocks / snipes ... Then again shooting at the sparrows, which does not even come close to resembling a good skill. In general, this behavior looks pretty "programmatic". You can think of a bunch of excuses, but suspicions from this will not disappear anywhere. This is my opinion.

_biohazard 23.12.20

Yes, sobsno, it reminds of those Siberian brothers with two towers, one of whom also handed out quite briskly on the highing, sometimes giving out rather suspicious feints.

Ninja 23.12.20

just drank and potestit, why ban? (c) jute * pitch *

how will the video from the admins be, fill in plz, and the desired video from the demo is also

ps and the gif in slow motion would, even it seems to me 2 and 4 rocket left somewhere by the box office, although it may be due to delays I xs

Ninja 23.12.20

Yes, and the triggerbot is difficult to burn due to its nature. Is that in such episodes, as in a GIF, or drunk) But I noticed a strange feature: there are a lot of moments where he shoots at milk at all, and then suddenly abruptly x * yak and 4-6 hits in a row come from shocks / snipes ... Then again shooting at the sparrows, which does not even come close to resembling a good skill. In general, this behavior looks pretty "programmatic".
for the "program" behavior is characterized by just the same stability, and the triggerbot, due to its nature, the same norms are fired, the program makes noobrein spam exactly on the move, based on the trajectory of movement at the time of the shot to the point where the carcass will be if it does not stop or change the trajectory after shot, if the player spam not exactly at this point, but about or by, then this is hardly a trigger (yes, you can say that MB cheats can be adjusted, reduce accuracy, blablabla, but I don't think, I don't think that someone will run with aim 40-30 like a pro, because with such an aim, even in a standing position, there will most likely be a bobble))) You

can think of a bunch of excuses , but suspicions from this will not disappear anywhere.
I remember the pikhar was good enough spamming from the DJ, it's strange that it didn't seem suspicious to someone before)

Noize_suppressor 23.12.20

Ness_ wrote:
on ST
Ta don't care. The main thing is that you do not read on pg.

X111 23.12.20

Yeah. Along with the server change, the orientation also changes.

Empathy13 23.12.20

Ninja wrote: a
gif in slow motion would be
There you can also adjust the viewing speed - move the mouse down the video window and you will see a bar.

more.or.equal.null 23.12.20

A rocket anywhere that it didn't even hit with a splash, but hit 3 lights in a row. Normal, no? :)

Ninja 23.12.20

There you can also adjust the viewing speed - move the mouse down the video window and you will see a bar.
accurate, did not notice, revised:
1) rocket 1 flies past the player who dodge jump along a predictable trajectory
2) rocket 2, grabbed the trigger will switch from the only visible target with a flag and fire a shot into the zone of possible teleportation of the second player (moreover, by) when Is he out of sight yet and hasn't pressed the teleport key?
3) if you look closely, then at the moment of rocket 3 departure, the player still marchs to the left, and rocket flies to the right
4) rocket 4 flies away in the same way, but now to the left
5) rocket 5 flies out after the enemy's dojump starts in a straight line and again past
6) if you look at the frames, the target stops one frame before the sixth rocket flies out, and then goes to the left, while the rocket again flies away to the far right,

as for me, the GIF does not pull the petition :(
6 rocket in no place and milk, let's wait for the video, maybe it will be clear from what the admin has bombed

RigDillinger 23.12.20

The 3rd and 4th rocket, according to all the canons of the CTF genre, was supposed to fly into the carcass, and the pikhir had to kill itself safely. The GIF turned out to be more mocking than cheating - there are so many failures in just a few frames.
The 5th rocket, if we take into account the included netcode and ping around 100, took off from the turn after crossing the carcass with the cross. Trigger + netcode + ping ~ 100 + two meters distance = hit. And there it didn’t even make a noise ... I think those who played with the Hypinegarmi on netcode remember the moments when the rocket at such distances appears right in da face and arrives with a fatal outcome.

By the way about the admins, banning until the final trial is somehow crab-like, adit :)

imi 23.12.20

Ninja wrote:
stability is characteristic of the "program" behavior, and the triggerbot, due to its nature, the same norms are fired, the program makes nobrein spam exactly on the move, based on the trajectory of movement at the time of the shot to the point where the carcass will be if it does not stop or change the trajectory of movement after the shot
Smiled) "nobrane spam" somehow does not combine with the algorithm for calculating trajectories described below. What is "on the move"? What are you talking about? The trigger is useless for projectile weapons as far as I know. They only shoot with shocks / lights, it works at the intersection of the sight with the carcass and don't care what weapon you have in your hands.
Ninja wrote:
“software” behavior is characterized by just the same stability.
Stability is that at first the dohara hits,
And if I were writing a bot for the game, I would have made a bunch of settings so that the brainless owner burns less ... for example, automatic on / off mode with random timings.

Ninja 23.12.20

Smile) "noubreyn spam" somehow does not fit with the below-described algorithm for calculating the trajectories
noubrein means that the bot always spamming on the course, even if it is obvious that the player has run so far to the corner and wring him, take the flag and turn around, and so on, the bot will still be to shoot as if he was not going to turn anywhere, this is the nobility, the inability to predict the possible actions of the player and adequately react

The trigger is useless for projectile weapons, as far as I know. They only shoot with shocks / lights, it works at the intersection of the sight with the carcass and don't care what weapon you have in your hands.

And if I were writing a bot for the game, I would have made a bunch of settings so that the brainless owner burns less ... for example, automatic on / off mode with random timings.
yeah, I can imagine, I shot such a dimachka on a booster, grabbed a sotachka, dd, and then, suddenly, SHUTDOWN

imi 23.12.20

Ninja wrote:
nobrein means that the bot always spam on the move

god, ninja, go google what a trigger bot is and what is its feature
at the same time googling why in anril's auto aim settings, even a child knows if you
come back - we'll talk ... sorry to waste time on your liquid trolling

Ninja 23.12.20

god, ninja, go go google what a trigger bot is and what is its feature
as a trigger bot is not only hitscan, uh-huh, or, according to you, for the player to move the cursor across the screen, but for the program to shoot taking into account the bullet flight time and target movement is great attainment?
anyway, I don't see on the gif not shooting a rocket at the intersection of the sight with a carcass (omg, facepalm), not shooting on the move

at the same time googling why in the auto aim settings of anril, even a child knows
if you are waiting here for other examples of a cheat with a manual tip, which works in the sight area and works with all types of shots, then for obvious reasons you won't wait for them to come

back - let's talk ... otherwise I'm sorry to waste time on your liquid trolling
burnt fantasies about brainless people with bezelless cheats are of little interest here, you don't want to spend don't waste

anryller 23.12.20

the trigger is just hitscan and maybe. It does not work according to the principle of autoimagination absolutely and absolutely. When auto-aiming, the sight is not on the enemy, but shoots not at the sight, but at the carcass. The trigger shoots only when a carcass hits the scope.
In short, for dummies - aimed at the carcass - there was a shot. The rocket and the flask are useless because the shells are flying slowly, the flask can only hit at close range. Assault (pistol), oddly enough on the trigger, the thing is very powerful, he does not need promotion like a mini, and no one will ever burn the trigger on the assault.
The trigger does not and cannot have any advancing and shooting on the move. It is possible to adjust the sterlba from the trigger with a non-reaching of the sight of 10 degrees to the enemy, but these are such perversions that I do not know who would come to mind, to adjust chtol under the ping.

Ninja 23.12.20

in the net they write that not only, I don't see anything real for the program in this, I'm not going to download and check personally