Hero Import (Disciples 2: Dark Prophecy)
Hello, everyone was! If it's not difficult for anyone, explain how to import a hero for the next mission.I really need it. Thank you in advance.
It depends on what you mean. If you need to import a hero from one saga to another, then he is not imported, for example, from the Saga of people to the Saga of demons (or gnomes).
But, most likely, you mean add-ons for D2: Darkprophecy, namely: D2-Guardians of the light and D2: Servants Of the Dark, then this is done in the "Options" menu, in the area where the buttons for loading, saving and exit. This is the name of the button: export the hero.
BUT: if you've played with cheat codes, there can be problems. In particular, 100% problems arise when using codes that increase the hero's expirience. Then, when you try to export a hero, an inscription appears something like "You cannot export this hero because he was not hired. You can only export a hero hired at level 1."
Thus, if you use cheat codes, but want to play add-ons (additions), then it is categorically impossible to use the stairwaytoheaven and jump codes. Those. you need your hero to gain experience.
Good luck!