END (Cyberpunk 2077)
people who had an ending in space? and is this a normal ending in general?bushmaster
For me, normal (which I have) - V survives (according to the forecasts Alt will live for six months), Alt absorbs Johnny, I leave with Panam from Aldecaldos and Judy from Night City
Not the best.
SpoilerJoni versus Arasaki and GG seems to be not in the best relation to them, but you decided on this and went to be treated by them. However, everywhere, somehow, death awaits, either consciousness in digital or death somewhere in half a year. Although there is one ending where it is not exactly clear, it is to leave with the Nomads (i.e. you need to call the Panam and ask for help, which means you had to complete the quests from the Panam). But there, too, everything is strange, Alt says that the chip has already changed a lot and V will die, but however the ending does not say about it (V is leaving with the Nomads and that's it).
There, in a dialogue with Panam,
Spoiler before parting with the city, there is a dialogue that she has contacts of specialists who are likely to be able to help, but will only be able to contact them when they get to their destination. So in the ending with Panam, there is a chance that V will survive.
Well yes. The global mega-corporation - could not help, the best netrunner of cyberspace - could not help, but the homeless nomads can.
Normal. The mysterious "Mister Blue-eyed" still inspires more, and is endowed with resources judging by the quest of the candidate for mayor (he is on the balcony, on the opposite side), as he easily hacked the hero before handing over the quest on the bench.
We got confused over the endings. Endings in which there are endings
And in general they are disgusting ... Like reality itself.
Personally, I think the crossbow is the most believable. V finally realizes that no one will help him, because it is impossible. He was dead tired of all this. And even Johnny appreciated the method.
Bach. And no problem.
Subsequent credits are strong.
The most suicidal ending, since it has almost zero chance of success, but V knows about the impending death, so at least he became a legend after death, having fulfilled Jackie's last wish.
In general, it seems to me that the most adequate ending is to transfer Johnny's body, since V is dying anyway, and he himself asks Johnny to take the body.
If Alt was to ask how she would act,
Spoilerto she wanted Vee to leave with her, I won’t be surprised if she just needs as many souls as possible.
I have a weird ending, they also turned me into a chip in the end in space, I turned some cubes 20 times. The blunt ending is no worse. I thought they would at least let go to the ground to run for about a week, dick there or a chip or die on the ground for a year. But I chose the chip. chances of surviving more than if you just die.
bushmaster The most correct ending. After the events in the tower, you didn’t leave the parking lot and you were detained by the special forces of Arasaki, Jackie was keening, V with a chip flies to the moon ala local psychiatric hospital. Then the operation on the brain and the wiggling of the chip, during which V relives memories from those 15 seconds of the slideshow at the very beginning. Replacing Jackie with Joni because of the chip integration, Doctor with Victor. Since the operation is going very badly, V sees bugs in these upbringing (all of which we described on the forum), and also thinks that a leather jacket can be made from batteries and an old computer and sold on the market for 1100 bucks. And then he wakes up in a durka.
I think Poles are geniuses, and Kojima is a goldfinch. xD
are strong, but you listen to Judy or Panam and you feel that with such a decision you have not only influenced yourself, but possibly also broke other lives. that you have time ahead, and you simply did not want to waste it.
I would not say that with arasaka complete death. you give yourself 6 months of life, then maybe some new options will appear or how to digitize yourself as an extreme person for a future new body.
And everywhere either to Alt or 6 months. For the rest, either in Afterlife or suicide on the balcony. But with the ending of Panama, everything is not clear. Panama says they say we can find someone abroad and he (they) will help, but in the credits Victor says it's probably easier to find a hotel in the desert than a ripper. The whole point of the endings is not what exactly will happen to V, but with the choice of how it will be, what sacrifices. With the help of the Panamas (nomads) there will be victims and not 1, but some of the nomads will die, including Sol. The choice to do this with fewer or more victims, Joni himself warns that if you call the Panamas, they will be on your conscience. With Johnny and the Beast, the Beast will die. I chose to help Panamas and this part of Joni calmly approves and at the same time that we suppress him with pills, but he fully approves of this choice. And with this ending, the tarot card Sud is given. "Judgment" is a card of renewal. A trumpeting angel means resurrection and deliverance. This lasso speaks of an important change that will mark recovery or accomplishment. It is also a symbol that is rewarded for work. Here is this incomprehensible ending with Panamas ... Once again, even now, I went in and chose again to help the Panamas and went down to Misty and she read fortunes by spreading the cards. The last card she had was "Moon" and it is supposedly unknown, not clear path. Some riddles ... Once again, even now, I went in and chose again to help the Panamas and went downstairs to Misty and she read fortunes by spreading the cards. The last card she had was "Moon" and it is supposedly unknown, not clear path. Some riddles ... Once again, even now, I went in and chose again to help the Panamas and went downstairs to Misty and she read fortunes by spreading the cards. The last card she had was "Moon" and it is supposedly unknown, not clear path. Some riddles ...
Spiny No mysteries, secret paths and unknowns.
In the course of the endings, Panama dumps into the Free States of Southern California with the main city of San Diego. This is a reference to the DLC as well as the second place where the scorpion's funeral quest ends is the road to Nevada.
Nevada is the city of Arcadia, Los Huegos and seems to be the best vacation spot in the setting, but the Southern states of California are
"In short, Southern California is not the most pleasant place. It is an urban hell rotten by pollution and acid rain. The population's lack of education is more than compensated for by weapons and attitudes. In fact, the only thing that keeps the Los Angeles metroplex from more brutality. what he is is the fact that everyone knows everyone else carries heavy weapons and will use them at any moment. " (c) Cyber ​​fandom
Who knows, that's why the finals were left open for V, his death is not shown in any ending except the crossbow. Maybe talking with Panam about finding a cure is not just chatter, but if there are no further plotters (and they are unlikely to be, since the plot formally branches at the end, in fact, it does not affect anything) - this will remain an open ending. ... So that the players themselves speculate about V's future and his chances.
For me, the story is not closed, and given that this story with V's healing is the main one in the plot, the hat here is cleaner than the last Deus Ex. Not to say it's a good move.