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Chile 27.12.20 01:51 am

stat distribution (Dragon Ball Xenoverse)

I downloaded everyone except the majins.

before I start, I want to tell you something that affects the stats of the character -> http://forums.playground.ru/dragon_ball_xenoverse/obyasneniya_stat_ras_i_skilov-854709/
1. when creating a character, in no case do not make a character medium massive.
be sure to be as thin as possible - if we are going to use a super blast of qi / ki blast supers,
be sure to be as massive as possible - if we are going to use super blows / strike supers
2.no stat balance by the type of a little bit of everything, if you fight in melee using super strikes / strike supers then you do not need to throw points at the super blast of qi / ki blast supers and vice versa if you are long-range then you do not need to throw points at super strikes / strike supers (if you do not use either one or the other, then again, we do not throw points at this, there are buffs for which the pumping of the stat does not affect in any way, so that you can make a build based on amplifiers (mainly poses)).

basic attack + super hits / strike supers = good
basic attack + super qi blast / ki blast supers = good
super qi explosion / ki blast supers + super hits / strike supers = a waste of time (in other words, everything goes apart from these two parameters together).

no 9 points here, 3 points there and 2 somewhere else, we scatter points strictly for 20-25 points (minimum) and a maximum of 4 stats (we climb into the 5th only if we know what we are doing), ideally we only swing 3 stats (be sure have at least one stat (super qi blast / ki blast supers, super strikes / strike supers, basic attack / basic attack) with 100 points).
Friesian race - close combat and close combat only, maximum massiveness is advised (growth at will).
racial gear

the gear itself says swing melee, namely "Basic ATK" and "Strike Supers". Health or Stamina (I don't recommend qi / ki) at will (although the gear that you choose will tell you), I can only note that 25 points in stamina is equal to + one additional stamina division (at the first level, a character has 3 stamina divisions, but with increasing the level of stamina slightly grows and in the end you have 4 stamina bars without ever investing points in this parameter), which means 25 points in stamina = 5 stamina bars, but wearing a full set of +5 stamina you will have 6 stamina bars and so further (with 100 points in stamina, you will have 8 stamina bars, but wearing a full set of +5 stamina, you will have 10 stamina bars)
like this, the freeze races at pix.PlayGround.ru

level 85 (a few more points will remain)

100 basic attack
100 super strikes / strike supers
50 stamina

100 basic attack / basic attack
50 super strikes / strike supers
100 stamina

100 basic attack / basic attack
50 super strikes / strike supers
50 stamina
50 Health

100 basic attack / basic attack
50 super strikes / strike supers
25 stamina (as I wrote above with a full set of +5 to stamina, you will have 6 stamina bars, this is quite enough)
75 Health (with maximum growth and such a number of health points, there will be a lot)
----- -------------------------------------------
hints - this race has some of the lowest movement speed on the ground and in the air (worse only among majins), some of the lowest rates of super strikes / strike supers and super blast of qi / ki blast supers (worse only for male saiyan) and some of the lowest basic attack rates (worse only for female saiyans).
However, they have very high health indicators with maximum growth (closer to the 80th level), even without investing points in health, they will have no less health than other races with 25 points spent on health (with the exception of majins). At the same time, their health is restored when it drops below 75%, making them very tenacious.
They have a great advantage in stamina (recovers much faster than other races).
Maximum growth and maximum massiveness are advised (minimum massive if you want to use racial clothes that are mainly sharpened for a super blast of qi / ki blast supers).
racial gear pix.PlayGround.ru

hints at level 85 - melee (preferably gear with +5 stamina)

(basic attack / basic attack and super strikes / strike supers as you wish and vice versa)
+ skill "f / f pose"
100 stamina
100 basic attack attack
50 super strikes / strike supers

Kayokenx20 (will add speed and damage) + skill "super drain"
100 stamina
50 main attack / basic attack
75 super strikes / strike supers
25 Health

hints at level 85 - super chi blast / ki blast supers

50 Health
100 super chi blast / ki blast supers
50 stamina
50 max chi / ki (6 chi / ki, with racial gear +4 max chi / ki will be 7 chi / ki)

25 health
100 super chi blast / ki blast supers
50 stamina
75 maximum qi / ki (7 divisions of qi / ki, with racial gear +4 maximum qi / ki will be 8.2 divisions of qi / ki)

20 Health
100 super explosion of qi / ki blast supers
50 stamina
30 maximum qi / ki (5, 2 divisions of qi / ki, with racial gear +4 maximum qi / ki will be 6 divisions of qi / ki)
50 basic attack (saved on health and maximum qi / ki, but got melee strength)
----- -------------------------------------------
Sayane - Different sexes have different stats. Point of departure! The hints are in perfect% balance to make them what to count from.
super punches / strike supers: 1
super burst qi / ki blast supers: 1
basic attack / basic attack: 1
Sayane (M)
super punches / strike supers: 0.9
super burst qi / ki blast supers: 0.9
basic attack / basic attack: > 1.3 (30% stronger than hints)
Sayane (W)
super strikes / strike supers: 1.2 (20% stronger, in everything that requires qi / ki than hints)
super qi blast / ki blast supers: 1.2 (at 20% stronger in everything that requires qi / ki than hints)
basic attack: 0.9

for comparison
Russ freezes
super strikes / strike supers: 1.15
super explosion of qi / ki blast supers: 1.1
main attack / basic attack: 1.15

Thus, it can be seen that although (M) can be sharpened by qi / ki attacks (and they will not be weak) still (W) are more suitable for " super blows / strike supers "and" super blast qi / ki blast supers "and in general for spamming with skills in super saiyan mode.

Sayane (M / F) at level 85, be sure to be as thin as possible - I advise you to wear a set of GT Goku clothes, a racial gear of 4 star pearls or a Vejito clothing set (not Vejita).
Vejito clothing stats pix.PlayGround.ru

100 super blast chi / ki blast supers
50 max chi / ki
100 Health
Health and max chi / ki can be swapped won't get any worse (100 in max chi / ki and a full set of Vejito clothes (not Vejita) will give you 10 points qi / ki)

100 super blast chi / ki blast supers
75 max chi / ki
75 Health

100 super burst chi / ki blast supers
50 max chi / ki
50 Health
50 stamina (with a decent amount of stamina (in super saiyan mode) I can advise you to use the "energy barrier" / "energy barrier" is knocked out of the mission 23)
how useful is Sayane

(M) at level 85, be sure to be as massive as possible.
100 main attack / basic attack
50 Health
100 stamina
do not use the super saiyan mode and indeed qi / ki, fight only in hand-to-hand combat. + z-spirit of mentor Freez (+4 to all parameters in exchange for the inability to use super attacks until health is lowered to 50%)
z-spirit of mentor Freeze pix.PlayGround.ru

racial gear of earthlings and saians pix.PlayGround.ru
---------------------------------------- --------

PS I don't have much time, so I will fill it in gradually ... You can ask about whom you want to know and they will be the next race that I will analyze.
PSS Mentors and their skills -> http://forums.playground.ru/dragon_ball_xenoverse/nastavniki_i_ih_skilli-857534/ I
update from time to time, almost all the skills I have learned, it remains only to record a video.
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nah.nad 27.12.20

would like to know about hints

Chile 27.12.20

PS there is something to tell about z-spirits for hints, but more on that later.

nah.nad 27.12.20

Chile thanks. Will
never play for this damage

Chile 27.12.20

Yes, I know they look terrible on paper compared to any other race, but they really aren't that bad. If you perform only plot and parallel tasks (offline), then you can really forget about this race - they kill enemies slowly compared to other races, but if you get into parallel tasks (online) and in PVP, then they are the 2nd best race because they do not die and in PVP they tear everyone (long arms, a lot of health (which also regenerates, with the correct z-spirit regenerates even faster and up to 100%) and it is absolutely impossible to beat them due to the large amount of stamina (which regenerates faster than the rest))

Andrey Karpikov 27.12.20

Would I like to know about the Sayyans?

Chile 27.12.20

Andrey Karpikov
added sayyanov
if something is not clear, then you can ask - I will answer.

Andrey Karpikov 27.12.20

how to make a character thin if I have it already massive and 30 lv.

Chile 27.12.20

Andrey Karpikov
Collect 7 dragon pearls
I don’t know what the name is, but something like "I want to become beautiful" / I want to drop-dead gorgeous - allows you to change your appearance (height, massiveness, hair, nose, eyes, jaw, ears, etc. color (skin, hair, etc.)).

PS I would delete and create a new one, level 30 is a small loss, I pump up to 80 characters in day 3 (and more) (then I delete and download new ones, and so on until I'm happy with the result).

ronolus 27.12.20

where can i get Vejito's clothes (not Vegetta's)

Chile 27.12.20

parallel job 46

Shin Sergey 27.12.20

And add people stats?

Narutozik 27.12.20

Please add the majin stats I'm going to pump so after all the dragonballs 100 basic attack 25 max qi 30 stamina 59 super attack but I think this is not a very good choice, please tell me how best!

Chile 27.12.20

Shin Sergey I will
add, but later

Chile 27.12.20

Narutozik is next
in line after humans / earthlings.

Chile 27.12.20

Shin Sergey
people / earthlings - the strongest race in the game, any build is good, the only race in the game that can be sharpened for anything.

people / earthlings (M) - an exception to the rule maximum / minimum mass (you can put medium massive character)
super strikes / strike supers: 1.3
super explosion of qi / ki blast supers: 1.14
basic attack / basic attack: 1.2

people / earthlings (W)
super blows / strike supers: 1.14
super blast supers / ki blast supers: 1.3
main attack / basic attack: 1.14

One thing to remember:
basic attack + super blows / strike supers = good
basic attack / basic attack + super chi explosion / ki blast supers = good
super qi blast / ki blast supers + super strikes / strike supers = a waste of time (in other words, everything goes except these two parameters together).

be sure to have at least one stat (super chi blast / ki blast supers or super strikes / strike supers or basic attack / basic attack) with 100 points)

Any build is suitable for both genders
1.passive ability: automatic ki recovery + add z-spirit to restoration of ki and energy will always be with you.
2. Given the first point, it is advisable to MANDATORY invest 100 points in a super blast of qi / ki blast supers or super blows / strike supers because the energy for spam will be even more than that of the same sayans.

100 super chi blast / ki blast supers or super blows / strike supers
50 stamina (stamina)
50 health

100 points in reserve, you can 1. all 100 in the main attack, or 2. 50 in the main attack and another 50 in health, stamina or ki (optional), or 3.50 in the main attack and 25 in health, stamina or ki (optional).

Abiss 27.12.20

I hope the topic is still alive. What question interests ... I climbed on the Internet, but did not find a single description / guide (perhaps I’m not very original) for obtaining racial gear. I'm playing for the Frieza clan, why, it's logical, I wonder how to knock out its armor? What does it depend on? After all, it is clear that the "canon" gear is knocked out of missions, then I don’t understand what to do with racial gear.

Chile 27.12.20

You have to buy in the store (they appear in the store as you progress through the game).

Abiss 27.12.20

Hmm ... Okay. o.O Thank you
. ^ - ^

Kokonoe 27.12.20

make a guide to the majins, otherwise I have already closed the Sayans, people and the frieze now, so I created a majinka, but what to download, what kind of gear I can’t imagine -_-

Chile 27.12.20

I have not played for majins, there are no builds, there is not much time to experiment. If there is a desire to find out about their strengths and weaknesses, then you will have to wait until my hands reach.