How to set up your camera (Test Drive Unlimited)
How to set up the camera in my own way, I downloaded a couple of mods for cars, well, in some of which the camera generally looks like a galimo, please tell me, for every valuable comment I'll put a plusWolf_UA1
Mods usually have an indication of which camera to install.
To do this, you need to download the TDU Modding Tools program. Downloading, setting the path to the game folder.
1. Choose "Vehicle Manager"
2. Choose the car you replaced. For example, let's put this mod here: Then open up the Jaguar Type E Coupe.
3. In the lower half of the program window, select the "Camera-IK" tab. Since the camera in the example will be on the right side, we configure everything in the "Advanced camera controls" part.
4. There, first click on the "Hood" line, then click the "Choose front" button and select the camera of the vehicle specified in the mod. In our case, this is the same Jaguar. Then press the "Choose back" button and also select the specified camera.
We do the same with the line "Cockpit" (if other camera parameters are specified, then set them).
5. After all this, for our example, select the "Right" parameter (that is, the right camera) in the "Cockpit Source" and "Cockpit Target" lists. 6. Then press "Set".
This instruction is suitable if the mod has a right-hand drive or specific parameters are specified for setting in this window.
If it is simply indicated as "Camera: Ac 289" "IK: Ducati 999R", then set up as follows:
2. Select the car you replaced (now without an example)
3. In the lower half of the program window, select the "Camera-IK" tab.
4. On the "Camera & IK Swap" panel, in the "Available Sets" drop-down list, select the specified machine
5. Click "Apply" - the "Camera / IK" selection appears
5.1. To install the desired camera, select "Camera"
5.2. To install "IK", select the car specified in the mod (if it is different for the camera and IK) and press "Apply" - "IK" accordingly.
After all the manipulations, both for the first instruction and for the second, press the Save button in the upper right corner ...
Look like that's it. I haven't done this for a long time, so I could be a little mistaken, but the essence is correct.