Unstable operation (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
Hello everyone. I've been struggling with a problem for several days now. GTA works with a lot of bugs.1. the most furious: after exiting / entering the pause menu, the mouse stops working. Operation resumes after several presses of esc.
2. after a while, under similar conditions, the game stops responding (and what I am now on XP and such a crash is almost an iron reboot)
3. minor bugs, such as the temporary disappearance of sound when listening to the k-rose station.
Bugs appear often, but I did not notice the system in their appearance.
If anyone has encountered a similar problem and knows how to solve it, please write.
I installed the European build of the game and patch 1.01. there are bugs without a patch too. another assembly I downloaded suffers from the same. I use Russifier from SanLtd Team. with him or without him: there is no difference.
mars766 wrote:
1. the most furious: after exiting / entering the pause menu, the mouse stops working. Operation resumes after several presses of esc.
A similar problem occurs mainly on Win8 ~ 10, I have never noticed this on Ixpi. There is a mouse fix for mousefix.asi that fixes this problem. Before installing the fix, in addition to the above, the mouse scoured and twitched. This infuriated me even more.
In my opinion on PG it was similar, but rummaging through more than 200 pages like that broke. Try http://www.gtavicecity.ru/gta-san-andreas/mods/18575-mouse-fix.html from here, if you can’t download it later in PM.
Apparently the problem is somewhere else. Downloaded, installed, the bug appeared again. Thanks for trying
I don't know what kind of repack you have, but for example, after installing this fix, I got rid of this problem forever. For example, I have a clean sanan without mods. By the way, when I played on Ixpi with version 1.0, there were no such problems. Maybe you need to put 1.0?
By the way, a fix if something is thrown into the root of the folder with the game.
But the main thing is that the game is normal. It's also interesting how it all ends.
He was with the auto-installer, Most likely there is more than one problem. I forgot to indicate in the description that this is pure GTA without mods.
mars766 Is
ASI Loader installed? If not, then you need to install, otherwise this fix is ​​useless. ASI Loader is included in Cleo 4.3 package.
Sidorovich12 by the
way the problem was solved very simply. I just put a checkbox in the properties of the exe-shnik, disable visual design.
forgot about CLEO. once upon a time I knew all this far and wide, I even wrote scripts, but now I don’t remember anything.
I 'm not really friends with cleo. More with Pawno. At one time Sampov wrote fashion. Now it's not up to that already.
As for the visual design, there may have been a problem with the video driver or video card. Radeons often have glitches with many games, especially those old ones.
An interesting solution. It might be worth adding it to the problem solving manual.
Many people write that they must be compatible with Vin98. If the design helped, then it's good)))
A similar problem occurs mainly on Win8 ~ 10
Not only. On XP, Vista and Seven too.
Many people write that compatibility with Vin98 should be set.
Does not help. It is also recommended to configure the task manager to use one processor core in the game (in fact, they started talking about the problem when the transition to multi-core processes occurred). From my own experience, I can say that it does not completely cure the problem, but it greatly reduces the frequency of its manifestation.
Yes, I did it. At first I thought that everything went away, but the next day the bug appeared again.
Veenine wrote:
Not only. On XP, Vista and Seven too.
Well, at least neither XP nor 7 never had a similar problem. As 8.1 installed, so the glitches with the mouse went. Give boh fixes on the rat are now in the net.
In theory, it's not about the OS, but about multi-core processors (or multi-threaded single-core). Maybe it depends on specific lines or models. On Pentium 4 531, Core 2 Duo T7100 and Core 2 Due E6750, there is a problem, for example.