XRay Engine (STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl)
I faced the XRay Engine problem for a long time. Right now I came again, I tried everything. Please help meExpression: sz <(tgt_sz-1)
Function: IReader :: r_string
File: E: stalker sources trunk xrCore FS.cpp
Line: 349
Description: Dest string less than needed.
You seem to have a game trying to find some file, but it does not fit / does not fit and the game crashes.
1. If the license is in Steam - check the integrity of the game.
2. Check if you have Windows 10 so that DirectX is 9 or 11, by no means 10 !!!
3. And you do not need to delete user.ltx in any case. You need to change the monitor resolution settings there. Like if you have 1980x1080, then you find vid_mode and change it to the value "1600x900". Also try turning off effects like "God Rays", AA, AF. There will be "on", you replace it with "off".
4. If pirate = download a normal repack, but if the problem persists, then try points 2 and 3.