game balance (Paragon)
Good afternoon, I propose to discuss the balance, in May the game expands the number of players and this temka will be useful, because success in the game depends not only on skills, but also on the strength of the enchantment.Unsubscribe about your opinion, my vision of the game is as follows:
Character rating:
game version 28
Playing characters, rating leaders:
1. RAMPAGE (you don't even have to be afraid of towers)
2. TWINBLAST (cool ADK with a gorgeous jump jump and having the best attack speed at the beginning of the game, but ulta nothing)
3. MURDOCK (cool damage, good fast LMB, playing and killing ult)
4. GRIM.EXE (ADK with good abilities, nerf ults pushed him from the best ATK)
5. GRUX (cool melee, with a good approach and retreat and damage)
6. FENG MAO (the principle is the same as a group, there is only no attraction)
7. KALLARI (a character can come and decide the outcome of a team fight, a good rat, but weaker than a group and a feng in terms of characteristics)
8. Sevarog (steep escates, there is damage , slowed down)
9. GayStone (the character seems to be not bad, but there is nothing to do the game, the second life in the ult does not allow to catch up, at the same time it closes only weak ansefes .. Jump as an ability is so-so)
10. SPARROW (good atk, but with terrible abilities, just meat for everyone, I do not advise taking it)
11. Riktor (being able to play with this charm in a team, you can grab the enemy with a hook and goodbye, from the minuses of charms it requires a command and the skill of hitting a hook)
12. STEEL (except for the ult from which half of the cast of characters come out, they have nothing to do, it is very dangerous for the Murdoch and Sparow)
14. DEKKER (the nerf killed the character, there is nothing to play except for slowing down, this is of course not enough to win)
15 Chimera (no retreat, the most worthless melee)
16. HOWITZER (all spellcasters have nothing, little damage, easy to leave)
17. Muriel
18. GADGET (bad gadget - that's what everyone says, and the reason is simple there is no damage and exits)
19. GIDEON ( why, after the nerf, some take it - it's a mystery to me)
Chidry the percentage of victories / defeats depends on the team, with this screen you showed only how you can organize a team and kill random people, but that's not the topic.
I would still like to discuss not the team game, but the charms.
And so compare the effectiveness of IGGY & SCORCH and the char from the top five. You can have a CDA like your 6.12 in a solo.
Do you yourself think he doesn't need a buff?
KapDun wrote:
organize a team and wipe out random people, but that's not the topic.
Is this game created just to play with random players on unbalanced dd, for the sake of farming frags?
Aphostle does not have all the games in packs .. he plays streams. (
KapDun wrote:
Do you think he doesn't need a buff?
No, I don't. It's just that people haven't learned to play for him yet, that's why it seems so.
By the way:
By the way, you wrote:
KapDun wrote:
playing characters for quick results
1. MURIEL (has 80% of victories among all players in the platinum league, a broken character)
Why not 99% win rate?
KapDun 2. RAMPAGE (non-killable tank)
A properly dressed Murdoch kills. (=> any rdd kills) And given the shield, he can drop his ult and thereby get an easy frag.
3. SPARROW (kills in a couple of pokes)
Anyone properly assembled RDD kills non-tanking heroes for a couple of pokes. (twin, murdock, sperrow) Usually countermeasures. Feng + moore-decker-gadget, grooks + moore-decker-gadget.
Chidry means in your opinion the game is balanced and making character ratings is pointless?
It's just that people haven't learned to play for him yet, that's why it seems so.
The developers also write on their forum, but the caste of characters is confidently divided into dominants and outright UG, do you disagree with that?
And in the game everything is the same, the result is clear just when you look at the peak of the characters, if in one team, with other obvious hovitzer, and in the other, he was mirrored, the result is 100% obvious.
Correctly dressed Murdock kills. (=> any rdd kills) The
correct player for RAMPAGE can not be killed, he always has an ult and can always jump.
And a normal Murdoch will not even shoot at him, this is a waste of time, it is better to clean up the creeps at this time and get gold. Well, or shoot him to frighten off, it is fraught with current.
RAMPAGE is now one of the dominants, you just take it and you are just immortal.
KapDun wrote:
Chidry means in your opinion the game is balanced
. No.
Above, he wrote: "to play with randoms on unbalanced dd"
KapDun wrote:
hovitser, and in another miroel, the result is 100% obvious
No, the rules of the hovian can bring a lot of pain to the melee. I've met them a couple of times in the platinum leagues.
KapDun wrote:
And a normal Murdoch won't even shoot at him
I told you about leith, not the beginning. In the beginning, he is one of the most tenacious - yes. + I have already described above that if you give control to the remage during the casting of the ult, the ult will be rolled back and will not be used. This can be done by any hero who: pushes, stuns, throws. (the game has an active card that, when used, throws up everyone in the radius, though it costs hell ...)
What is energy or physical penetration? what does it do when it is pumped in?
energy and physical penetration are cards that neutralize the effect of armor.
For example, you have collected 50 units of energy-armor against the Murdoch, and he takes 50 units of energy penetration against you, and if you have no armor against him.
No, the norm Khovian can bring a lot of pain to the military. I've met them a couple of times in the platinum leagues.
joke? For the havitzer, the only way to make pain is to hit the ability on Q, but it has a cool down and the pain will be several times weaker than the damage of the Murdoch per shot.
A normal attack on LMB by the havitzer has a skeleton of 0.3 and does not damage.
And in general, the last thing you can do is shoot at tanks with a havitzer, without getting any experience or results. Chidry in my opinion you're just not ready to talk about balance.
Topikstarter is right, in the game the characters are divided into op and y, only the Murdoch must be in the first column unambiguously, until recently the nerf is the strongest character paired with Muriel, now also one of the strongest, on a par with Sparow.
It makes no sense to link the profiles of any bacons and apostles, they almost always play in a stack of players of the first 30 rating, and if in solo then for individual characters such as the same sparow, murdok, feng, etc., which can be dragged into solo. For Iggy only in a stack
Kapdun wrote: a
joke? For the havitzer, the only way to make pain is to hit the ability on Q, but it has a cool down and the pain will be several times weaker than the damage of the Murdoch per shot.
A normal attack on LMB by the havitzer has a skeleton of 0.3 and does not damage.
Thanks, Cap. Judging by your words, then the gideon will not be able to give an ult in 2+ bodies, and the callari only hits the downs. (do not judge by yourself) and in general, if you judge so, then these downs come out 99% of the players who fall for it. And the fact that it is easier for a Khovian than for a Murdoch, I did not say, so the harosh already thinks out figs knows what.
KapDun wrote:
Chidry in my opinion you are simply not ready to talk about balance.
Sori that I do not agree with all your vyseurs and do not cherish you. Rather, yes, not yet mature enough to argue with the Silvers ...
The topstarter is right, in the game the characters are divided into op and y, only the Murdoch needs to be in the first column unambiguously
I agree, at first the nerf of this nigga upset me when I dropped the scale into the second column, but prematurely, because despite the nerf he is still a top4 character ...
Although, again, here it is still about the skill of the players, how much I don’t play for the Murdoch, and they haven’t assembled a medzhikresist against me yet, perhaps in this case its effectiveness will drop. Now it is very fashionable to collect a large cloud of health without armor, the players are still raw, the game has just been released.
Even at the very beginning, I take the red and blue buffs alone, no one even guesses that these three mobs in the forest give points as for killing a hero.
Chidry you didn't understand me at all, you can hit anyone and anything, but it's not always effective.
How to build a game with such Persians as havitzer, sevarog, gadget, what is their role in the game and why they are needed is incomprehensible and you didn’t say anything intelligible, except “shoot the hovitzer at the tanks and you will be happyâ€.
I xs , to be honest, what kind of players come across against you that energy armor does not collect and buffs do not take oO
I would have come across such
Gaargod24 is lucky for you, in my game, as a rule, by the time I take two buffs, a bloody batch is already taking place and you can already lose 5-0.
In general, regarding the players, I can say that the players are completely dyshchenny, they manage to die from the first minutes of the game, in a game where it is very easy to escape and to get killed you just need to go against the heap and surrender, which is successfully practiced.
And in this game, the feed affects the most, since 100% of the gold is obtained not only by the person who made the kill, but also by the whole team. In the rest, the mobs are smarter, there at least gold is not given between the assistants in full, but somehow it is divided. And then one nafidil and you can fold, there is no chance
I updated the rating, based on the changes, I would like to note the murder of the rampage with the patch and a small up sevarog, which gave him practically nothing.
Time to renew ^ _ ^ wild nerf
Reduced health regen from 100/175/250 to 50/125/200.
Reduced duration from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
Bug Fix / Polish
Fixed an issue where King of the Jungle could be levelled up at level 1 and 2 instead of level 1 and 3.
Reduced duration from 6/7/8/9 to 4 seconds at all levels.
Reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.
Rocket Blast
Reduced travel distance