Discussion of CBT (Mirror's Edge Catalyst)
They began to distribute the keys two at a time and for the "Friend", here is mine, who managed to take it)BZNE-K7S2-6HQR-CQ5B-TUFH
I wanted to write a long good story here about my love for the original Mirrors Edge, but my attention is busy updating the pages with possible beta code distributions. Anyone who has an extra key on the PC, be so kind)
I would have muddied the idol of that person in my room, who would fit the key, worship him every evening, pray for him, for his health
Try to run as administrator, or set compatibility with the previous OS. But if Windows is not 64-bit, then there is no solution to this problem)
Tried both from the admin and with compatibility with 7th does not help (I have windows 10 x64
And for activating the CBT key, do they accidentally send additional keys for friends to the mail?
If someone also has an extra key on the PC, please drop it in the LAN. I will be grateful.