Online Play (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Please tell me what you need to play NWN2 over the network? Thanks a lot in advance !!!If in NWN2 on the network it is impossible, then explain, then how in NWN Levor's Curse to play on the network ...
But there is probably a way to play in NWN2 on a local network, in the same place when you start a company it is written for 1-4 players like !!! Thank you!
Have you tried pressing the Multiplayer button in the main menu? I read somewhere that this button in games is responsible for playing on the network
Are you laughing ?, not funny! I pressed, but there it is not clear why describe pliz in more detail.
and then in the overseas language it is written that you need an account at the nvn office forum and if you don’t have one, then they offer to create it. You can, in principle, temporarily cut off the Internet so that the game generates a connection error and go to the screen with buttons for selecting the type of multiplayer.
Crazy Anus very much I ask you to explain to me stupid how and where to press to play together on a local network. Thank you so much in advance !!!
What network? By LAN? If on LAN, then an account on biovars is not needed, but it is necessary that each player has his own CD-key.
Yes, local, how to enter the game? I have a CD-Key, but I don’t even know where to enter it ... Help pliz !!! And if it turns out to play on the network, then the campaign or Nuna will download which thread modules?
click multiplayer, come up with some nickname and password, write them, click ok there, turn off the Internet before that, wait a little, a sign will appear that he could not connect to the server, click ok, click new lan game and configure it as you need ...
V0d01ey thanks, the problem is solved, but other chelas can not enter the game, how should I enter the created game ???
I played on a local network, there are all
CD key rules to enter NeverWinter Nights 2 nwncdkey
People, and what do all these game modes mean - Plot, Abridged plot, etc.
I just tried almost all types, and the effect is one - it starts off. The campaign is the same as in the single player game, no difference ...
Can anyone tell us who tried everything?
No, not alone, but I myself did not understand anything about it ... and freak friends do not want to play rpg ... they play fucking counter ... :))
Tell me plz how are you playing on the net?
Are you connecting or creating yourself?
Help PLIZ !!!! I'm still green in NWN2! How can anyone know how to play? I created an account .. entered .. I see the list of servers, click on one of them ... they write to me, "Search for a server" and its IP I can sit for two hours and look at this window! What should I do to make it good in NWN2 for no time to drive?
That really no one on the entire playground forum knows how the game modes differ? Everyone is gold that multiplayer is the main thing in NVN and no one knows how the game modes differ ... yeah. How do you know, though? And then I passed the first original on the network. the campaign - we chose the mode that was the default, but what was not pleased with the fact that the more people the easier it is to play, it is 2 times easier for two to play, four in 4, because there are more of us, but the opponents do not become stronger, nor their number becomes more, they give less experience for them, but this does not really affect