Legendary armor and NPCs (Fallout 4)
Can anyone know if what thread has the effect of legendary armor on NPCs and partners? Quite quickly, a lot of legendaries are recruited that are not needed nafig, I think to distribute them to the settlers, if at least a meager benefit from this will be.8 Comments
John Hawkins
In addition to weapons, all other loot for partners is slag. He will still be concussed, or he will run into the attack ... They are generally not needed in figs - they either need to be used to protect the settlements, or they need to be made by the suppliers. One figs Immortals ... Mod on endless cartridges for a partner set - and woo a la.
John Hawkins
Why ammo mod? You could just give him 1 cartridge and that's it, your partner will always be with cartridges :) Or has it already been fixed?