fair pvp / tvt + small survey (Diablo 2)
Just a small poll for the next tournament, which will most likely be in early February (mostly interested in the opinion of potential participants on the first point, and absolutely everyone connected with pvp on the second).1. In what format do you want to see the next standard tournament, or tvt ?!
2. Last time, some participants were unhappy with the passive game, so I would like to hear suggestions for solving this problem, if in your opinion there is one.
3. If you have any suggestions related to the conduct of the tournament that did not fall into these 2, you can write about them in HP on the forum, or in this thread.
vvesti ograni4enie po vremeni pvp dla es sorki, esli, naprimer ona za 3 minytu ne ybivaet protivnka - ei zas4itivaetsa porajenie
a ly4we voobwe zapretit etot musor v pvp
and if the EU does not kill its enemy in 3 minutes (for example, a barb), then defeat him
Well, with this condition - a 500hp barb can simply passive for 3 minutes ... Some kind of game, force the magpie to attack the barbarian, who will erase it in 2-3 centuries
All these defeats according to the timings and decisions of the moderators - calla dogs. And it will only cause resentment against the moderators and whining about the injustice of the refereeing by reducing the already low pvp-online ..
You can, like a variegation of accelerating the entire tournament, some duels (at the request of the participants or one of the or by the decision of the moderator) are carried out initially in snakes ... And those who the first duel brought to snake not to return to the BM .. Let the remaining two of the bo3 crumple there .. True, the restarts will not be very pleasant. run there ..
Or even the whole turik on snakes! just need to randomize the close location)
Or write to the odmen that in pvp games you need a teleport to snake! which you can enter with the host) well, and at the same time request a chest of Jahs, suddenly it will shoot!
firkax wrote:
and if
if the grandmother had the external genitals of her grandfather, she would be the grandfather (c)
To play pvp in the form that the game allows is not an option? This is me about all the fair rules and so on. Soryan, if you hurt the feelings of believers.
suddenly shoot!
DELETEEND, in Moscow time about -27 right now, can shoot at the admin.
ArktFaint wrote:
If you have any suggestions related to the tournament that did not fall into these 2, you can write about them in HP on the forum, or in this thread.
Because there is nothing to do in the tournament without enigma, ideally, I would like some balance, between those who drive wigs and extract all the runes from there, and those who are trying to get them from mobs (and maybe somewhere from the sale). Once I saw a topic where one player laid out farm reports in a pit, and it was very effective, of course, the diablo fans calculated that wigs are much more profitable. Either 3, or 4 times.
Come on. These fair rules have been adjusted to "esok" for so long that let the guys rejoice a little.
FAIR PVP is dead
1. Standard
2. Allow to collect mana from the ground in an unlimited amount against passive races ...
well, or it remains for everyone to wear insiki on swaps, since the rules are not prohibited
This has already been discussed in dozens of topics. So they didn't come to anything. An unlimited number of cans of MP will only increase the time of duels and passives. It is necessary to eradicate altogether.
The rules can be correctly interpreted by a fair pvp moderator, who awards a loss in a round for "passive play" based on his own experience and ideas about the game, duels, and passiveness in general.
What does the author of this topic think?
1. Standard, each with each for the total number of points. Without any nets. And in one gulp tvt in a week or two.
1. If there are as many participants as at the last time, make a grid, because. each with each will be long. If less standard.
2. The passive of this particular magpie does not say that all eski will play the same way, so I'm not in favor of not introducing any drastic measures. But mp / arrows from the ground on the same snakes, when the time is unlimited and disappear after off mp would not hurt anywhere.
3. Proposal for pvp against a barb: as I understand it, now the rules are allowed to play against a barb with bo / block / dr combined, I propose to change somehow, for example, either block + dr without bo, or bo + dr is only possible. the situation is to prohibit barba precast with cuba bo and encha. But on this score, listen to the owners of the barbs themselves)
1) In whatever you like, the main thing is more bar / dru / nec / sin + bjama / ham / smite, less of any fury druids, dropping hummers, blocky esks, poison nec / zon, vt / tv, about forty in tal rush, hybrid sin from the centuries and other garbage, not intended for pvp
2) Prohibit passive in principle - if the enemy begins to passive, then he is credited with defeat. Repeat this process until he loses the tournament or learns to play normally
3) Play onli non-block with assemblies (block <20%, except for ham / smite vs dru / zon, sin vs zon and weapon block on a trap with claws , where ~ 55%). It will add interest to viewing and reduce the randomness in pvp as a result. Well, remove this pointless change of location - let them play to the end in fornication with the ability to pick up pre-prepared cans of mana (at least one extra pack of 4x4 mana)
Because the sorka is close, firstly, not a pvp character in principle, and secondly - there is Ormus or vipermagi as armor for her, which is much better than Tal Rashi
It will be even better
I invite everyone to get out of the forest and play pvp according to the rules of Diablo ll. Duel up to 1 victory.
you can add hard and how to fight in a cage in MMA :)) there are rectangular cells in the barracks dungeons, who left / flew out of the cage, he lost))
What makes you, ordinary players or server administrators, generally assume that you are better than the developers of this game. By any interference with gameplay (fair pvp, change drop) you disrupt the ecosystem of this game. Because you are not balancing anything, but creating an imbalance.