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voland555 08.02.21 12:54 pm

FAQ for the game Godfather (The Godfather)

I decided to write a small Support, can anyone help (all buttons by default).
To philologists and teachers of Russian, not recamenduets to read, in order to avoid health problems, such as: increased blood pressure, learning of the heartbeat, and just an uncensored word can scammer from the tongue :)).

Fights and movement.

To start a fight, select the enemy (RMB). To grab the collar together with the PKM, we clamp the LMB. When you hold the enemy by the collar, you can move the player with him (W, A, D, S), you can throw him - at the same time turn the mouse towards the throw and release LMB and RMB. To throw forward - hold W and simultaneously release LMB and RMB (for example, in an additional task, throw under the car :).
Caps Lock - block, Q and E - punches to the face, W - punch to the stomach (you need to press and release, if you hold W, it will lead the enemy forward) If you hold LShift during Q and E punches, then the blow will stronger. If you bring the enemy to the wall with his back and hold W, then the hero will methodically beat him against the wall until he dies (this is also in the additional mission).
If you grab it by the collar (RMB and LMB), bring it to a low object (boxes, counter ..) and stand sideways, then you can hit your head on this object (A or D, it depends on which side you are standing).
When the opponent falls to his knees, you can hit his head - W. You can put on his feet - S. If you hold LShift and press Q or E, you will be hit with a knee in the face.
When holding the enemy (RMB and LMB), you can simply strangle him, hold down the X button.
When the enemy has less than half of his life, you can press V, there will be something like "fatality". It doesn't matter if the enemy is standing or sitting, he will simply kill him in different ways.
To throw it out the window or off the roof. Holding the enemy (RMB, LMB), bring him close to the window (to the roof), and press W.
You can sneak up quietly (from the back), you need to sit down - C.
You can jump into the broken windows - SPACEBAR.
If you hold TAB while running, then you will walk, not run. If you hold down LShift, it will run even faster (if you need to, for example, run away from a burning car). The "Sprint" time depends on how much the hero is pumped (like speed).
Look like that's it. Take a hint during the fight, at the top, take a look. To be honest, you won't need so many hits :).
It is much easier to strangle the enemy than to beat him, lift him from his knees, throw him, raise him again ... But it's cool =).
View tasks - N.


Everything is simpler here. We find sellers, we buy weapons. There are places where you can upgrade it. On the map there is an icon in the form of a weapon with asterisks (silver - level 2, gold - 3). Increases the lethality and the number of cartridges, both in the store and in the "pockets". For example, in a shotgun of level 3, in the store there are 10 cartridges, and You can wear 100.
To make the sight, hold down the right mouse button, and the sight on the enemy (on the stomach).
You can move it (the sight), on your hands, on your feet, on your head. From where you shoot depends what will happen to your opponent. If in hand, he can drop the weapon. On the knee, he will fall on his knees (you can finish off with your hands). And if in the head, then everything is clear :). By the way, there is an additional task, to kill the dude, in a certain sequence: knee, shoulder, head. You can, of course, just soak, but then they do not protect it as an "additional assignment".
You can also shoot without aiming (without holding down RMB), just aim the sight and shoot. For example: you see the enemy in the distance, but he is not you, aim the sight so that his head is in the middle, and shoot. A corpse .. from the first shot, although he never saw you :). By the way, there will be an additional task. Kill an enemy so that he does not have time to blow up the warehouse. To him it is not possible to be painted, immediately notices and blows up the warehouse. So, you can from far away, the main thing is a good sight.
Shooting from behind the wall. To lean against it, approach the wall, press Caps Lock (again - move away). Standing behind the wall, take aim (RMB), press LMB, the hero jumps out and shoots. We release LMB, he hides behind the wall again.
If, shooting at the enemy, run up to him in a tight place, then the executor is something like a trick (I don't know what else to call it), with different weapons in different ways. And in my opinion, some are counted as additional tasks.
To run faster with your weapon drawn, press L.ALT. He will lower it down.
The only thing I didn’t understand was whether he could shoot from behind the boxes while sitting, not sticking out, but simply raising the weapon above his head. Enemies can.

Extortion and racketeering.

It is necessary to extort from sellers, hairdressers, etc. Come up to him (maybe shoot him first), talk. If he doesn't want, then "explain it to him in a popular way." It is not necessary to beat him, you can break the counters, showcases, cash registers. And you can still miscalculate, point the gun. Under his life, he shows "fright" (in blue) when he gets to the green mark - "the client is ripe." You can also scare him (so that he fills more money), but if it comes to the red one, then you can dump, this time he is not a soglasian. If you accidentally killed him, then the institution will be closed. In a week or after the paycheck, it will open again.
Racket. In many buildings, on the second floor (or in the basement), the owner of the establishment finds himself. You need to persuade him to sell you this property. Persuade as well as extortion. If your hero is pumped, sometimes you don't even need to beat anyone, they themselves will give and sell everything. It all depends on the ranks, if they can give you higher (the rank of the denoted with dashes on life).
Warehouses and docks too, just grab and redeem. Usually they have a bunch of guards, barriers from cars. You can take a truck (onboard, it "lives" the longest), and transfer everyone. Saving cartridges :).


W - gas; A, D - left, right; Space - brake (entrance, exit from the car).
RMB - handbrake, L.ALT - zoom in, zoom out the camera, LMB - beep (beep :), if you buzz (beep :), then cars make way for you. It is a pity for pedestrians, for them it is not rasprostronyaetsa (deaf).
I'm talking about a beep (bibkolka :), I found out when the missions were passed by 94%, before that, I drove like a fool, I "collected" all the cars.

Boats and Helicopters.

Joke:)). Do not Cry. Already took a pencil and roll my lip ..

Additional tasks.

They can be obtained from the people marked with brown circles. When you get them, then first you need to kill who and why, how much you get. And a little lower, it is written which images you must kill them in order for you to receive a bonus (there are 22 of them in total).
As the game progresses, more than half of these bonuses are already fulfilling.
Some I've already mentioned here.


During the course of the game, you can rob banks, steal money from other families, a pimp in a fist fight (maybe something else is possible, I don't remember).
Banks are not difficult to rob. You run into the bank, everyone was killed, the safe was blown up, they took the money and tear it to the hut :). In different banks, money is in different ways from 4-5 to 55 thousand.
There are many ways to rob other families. Stop trucks (with a "booth"). Sometimes they themselves stand somewhere. There is another place under the bridge, where money can always be stolen.
But it is hemorrhoids, until you catch up with him, while you interrupt the guards, you will return home. And in the end, 2-10 thousand.
You can bribe the police. Then she will not pay attention to minor violations for a certain time.
If a war started with any family, then you can find an FBR-schnick, give a bribe.
You can blow up any building (mag.park cond). But then the building will not work for a long time, and 2 tons of dynamite. worth it :). To give a bribe.

To become Don NY-city, you need to capture all the buildings that are marked on the map and go through the storyline. Racket and extortion must be 100%
To complete the game one hundred percent, you still need to complete 22 special murders, buy all apartments, blow up 100 safes.

Well, that's all. If you have forgotten or confused something, do not judge strictly. Better yet, tell me or add :).
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ReDoX 08.02.21

Woland respect you! I fully support the idea, preferably gradually supplement your communication. So we and Oblivion will catch up with the NSF MV!

voland555 08.02.21

Here I made a map. The size is large (2612x1865), but if you make a standard one (1024x768), then everything is drained. Therefore, I left more, reduce it yourself as you see fit.
Who needs - Download.

voland555 08.02.21

For many, an error pops up when starting the game.
"File d3dx9_26.dll is missing" or ..27.dll or 28.dll.
You just need to update DirectX. But if you download 50MB, then here's an archive.
There are 5 files in it:
d3dx9_26.dll; d3dx9_27.dll; d3dx9_28.dll; d3dx9_29.dll; d3dx9_30.dll.
We insert the required file here:
C: WINDOWS system32
Should help.

IvanSh 08.02.21

Now would you well explain how to use this link. Your file is not on that page.

voland555 08.02.21

How to download from rapidshare.
Click on the link and wait for the page to load.
At the bottom of the table, click "FREE".
The next page is the countdown (sec). When he is finished, there are 3 symbols that need to be entered in the "window". Then click "Download ...".

IvanSh 08.02.21

Yes, but after pressing the Free button, a message pops up asking me to register or wait 50-70 minutes. Is it just me or someone else?

voland555 08.02.21

Write what you need, I'll throw it off on your soap.
And tell me which box to send, or to the one that you have in your profiles?

IvanSh 08.02.21

I would just have a map. We went to the one in the profile. And if there is, then a card with films. Although I don't know if anyone has done this.

voland555 08.02.21

Finally, I have free time. I decided to write all the "additional murders" (22 pieces). Just want to clarify, I have a clumsy (very clumsy) translation. Therefore, I will write by numbers, in the order they go in the game (in the list), starting from the top (number 1), and gradually descending to the bottom, to the last (number 22).
But I think that most of them have this (clumsy) translation, so after the number, I will write the name that I have in the game (many probably have the same).
Let's go ..
1st issue blackhand - the enemy must die from falling to the ground. That is, you can first hit him as you like, but he must die from a simple fall on the ground or on the wall. Just grab and throw.
2-bomb - blow up the enemy with dynamite.
3-hour cocktail - burn the enemy with a Molotov cocktail.
4-great.plop - just beat the enemy with a bat, you can make a fatality at the end, with a bat in hand.
5-issue blackhand fights - you need to kill an opponent without a weapon, you can just score with your hands.
6-hard main execution - we grab the enemy, and beat his head on the table (you can on the box, counter ..) until he dies.
7-issue of the last breath - grab the enemy and just choke, button X.
8-according to the prepared execution - you need to throw the enemy into the oven, you can in a pastry shop, or in a morgue (in a funeral home).
9-Way Wrath Issue - Run over an enemy with a car, to death.
10-quiet assassin - we sneak up quietly (C) from behind to the enemy, and shower with a stranglehold. The main thing is that he does not have time to notice you, and does not turn around. The choke can only be thrown from the back.
11-stained glass vol. - we grab the enemy, beat him. When there is a little bit of life left, we bring it to the showcase and throw it into the glass. The main thing is that he should die. If he does not die after flying through the window, it does not matter, we run up from the other side and throw him again into the same window so that he would fly over it.
12-watch your step-step - you need to throw the enemy off the balcony, from the roof ..
13-issue of a road accident is the most hemorrhoid murder. You grab the bastard, hit him when you throw the remnant of a little life under the car.
14-pasted wallpaper of execution - you need to kill against the wall, grab the enemy and hammer him with his back against the wall until he dies (to beat against the wall - hold down the W button).
15-hats from execution - kill with a pistol point-blank, so that the hero grabbed him and shot him in the head from below (exactly from below) so that his hat would fly off. You can wound from afar, and then run up and finish off.
16-issue pistol - also kill with a pistol point-blank, so that the hero grabbed him and shot him in the head from above (exactly from above).
17-issue throw-in - wound with a shotgun, and then finish off at point-blank range (fatality).
18-issue bowel shots - finish off point blank from a machine gun, or press V.
19-disarmed - you need to disarm the enemy, for example, shoot in the shoulder so that he drops the weapon.
20-kneecapped - Just shoot an enemy knee.
21-issue fire weapons - just kill with a pistol (maybe you can use a machine gun, I don't know for sure).
22-confident shot - kill with a headshot, the first time. I did this using a pistol.

That's all. I figured it out myself, so everything should work, checked. If something doesn't get you, try holding down RMB while finishing, or make a fatality (V button).

Gone with the sin 08.02.21

Well, I won all businesses and rackets. Only I have "collected" = 48%. What to do?

killerbug 08.02.21

How do I skip the opening screens?
Remove (transfer) the files from the movies folder:
paramount.vp6 (by voland555)

MAg 08.02.21

And how to make the cursor appear?
Damn on the site of gambling addiction Godfather again in 14th place!

Claude 08.02.21

How do you take the kids from the Corleone family with you?

killerbug 08.02.21

How do you take the kids from the Corleone family with you?
This is not provided. This is not GTA SA

killerbug 08.02.21

CD-Key The Godfather

Codes for the Godfather
In the game, press Esc and enter

-CUNEO cartridges- $ 5000

Euclid 08.02.21

People! help! The game is not installed, the audiostreams dx_4con_ dx_4con_tomh_4c06_r4x_14607.exa files are jammed. audiostreams dx_scrp_ dx_scrp_ambi_xxxx_t2x_11246.exa. audiostreams dx_scrp_ dx_scrp_clem_xxxx_s4x_19556.exa. audiostreams dx_rpmp_ dx_rpmp_msm1_rk02_lwd_17862.exa. audiostreams dx_chat_ dx_chat_plyr_cmbt_lwd_13686.exa. audiostreams dx_chat_ dx_chat_ifgx_ambt_lwd_22356.exa. audiostreams dx_flrt_ dx_flrt_fny1_fl08_lwd_16194.exa. audiostreams dx_miss_ dx_miss_rocc_ms02_s5x_11347.exa. audiostreams dx_rmdm_ dx_rmdm_plyr_rk11_lwd_17817.exa. godfather_v4 godfather world_terrain con_muni_center brooklyn_bridge st_brooklyn_bridge3.str. godfather_v4 midtown dlg B326D8C3.str. godfather_v4 GlobalFolder dlg 14C461B8.str. godfather_v4 brooklyn_grid dlg 1468A42F.str. godfather_v4 godfather dlg 32A3D337.str. They are in mdf archive 1compressed zip. Can someone send, eh? [email protected]

Volkov 08.02.21

Help!!!!!! When I insert the game into the drive, a message pops up: An error occurred while copying the file D: AutoRun.exe. After I close this window, another message appears: the specified file was not found D: c temp AutoRun.exe. What's up?

stanfild 08.02.21

After loading the game there is no cursor, tell me what to do to make it appear?

Euge_ 08.02.21

I can't capture one business, the door is closed and writes something like "... must burn in the fire." what the hell?

T_N 08.02.21

Someone put the game data from the registry!