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ElevenXI 16.02.21 12:43 pm

The armor of the Snake school or Kaer Morhen is not the Wolf School (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

The question arose, the Armor from Kaer Morhen "Which is given at the very beginning of the passage" and the Armor of the Snake School, are identical. What's the catch? After all, the Armor of the Wolf is not at all like, it does not fit Kaer Morhen, but the Snakes, unfortunately, are like a fly.
PS Personally opinion.

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Kahran ramsus 16.02.21

stalkerHEMUL Ooooh
, make yourself comfortable, now I'll explain to you why you're wrong XD
So, it is common knowledge from the book that witchers were "raised" in a remote fortress, given that Sapik built his world by analogy with the Middle Ages, it is relatively small, and certainly not Hogwarts. Usually, out of 10 boys, three boys passed the herbal test, at best, I don't think that after they were offered "a class in which they would like to study." It would be logical to assume that they were taught by the same masters and using the same books and techniques. As for amulets, this is a shop sign - an amulet in the shape of an animal's head, based on the "sucked" Season of Thunderstorms, outstanding on the basis of the personal qualities of the witcher (for example, cats are just a failed mutation).
And all these schools were sucked out of 3 Bonhart medallions ...

-He abruptly opened his jacket and shirt, pulled out, confusing them, three chains with three silver medallions. One depicted a cat's head, the second - the head of either an eagle, or a vulture, the third she did not properly consider. Most likely it was a wolf's head.

Carelia 16.02.21

Do not invent it in the books to say directly that the witchers who had a roof after mutations left / were exiled to the notorious school of cats. Only the name "school" itself is subject to discussion, it can be replaced with an order, caste, etc., but this does not change the essence.

Kahran ramsus 16.02.21

Give me a "direct" quote from the book. All that was generally associated with the word cat in relation to witchers was only in the Season of Thunder at the very end of the book, in Dandelion's monologue. (this is so that you don't have to look for a long time)

Carelia 16.02.21

I won't give KoranRazmus , it's a shame to have time to shovel with 10 books for the sake of persuading a stranger.

KanoVoxLian 16.02.21

The armor is the same
After all, the Wolf's Armor is not at all like, it does not fit Kaer Morhen, this is already the tenth case, judging by some bugs, the equipment of the Wolf school was not planned to be brought into the game. But then suddenly they spontaneously decided to add ...

Maklline66 16.02.21

B-same, what a fierce offtopic.
"Armor from Kaer Morhen", which has undergone many changes from part to part, which Master Gervant wears for the third (!) Game in a row - this is the same armor that Kalkstein was able to reproduce in the first part of The Witcher. So it turns out that the same "Armor of the Raven" or whatever it was called in the first part is the essence of the armor of the Snake school

Maklline66 16.02.21

What a ... long tirade, why are you with me like that =. =
Armor of the Raven in the 2nd part is considered the armor that Kalkstein made for Geralt according to some legendary recipe. Actually, if we step back from the RPG-shny elements, then in this armor he went to the third part, where, already, having received the drawings of the snake school, the real belonging of the armor becomes clear.
In general, all these skirmishes can be cut off with Occam's razor. Once the armor of the Raven, and now the school of the snake, is a mascot armor that is present in every part, and it doesn't matter what kind of accessory it is.

Manzer 16.02.21

excellent armor

vesemir1524 16.02.21

the answer to your question: