So a prequel or a sequel? (Little Nightmares 2)
I just went through everything on YouTube, and it became not entirely clearSpoilerAccording to the idea, as I understand it, the prequel is still a prequel, since in the comic, before finding herself on the karable, she ran down the rainy street as in the comic and in the final of the second part. I will hope that the prequel is otherwise then the fate of the sixth is unknown.
The campaign is still not a sequel or a prequel, but a vicious circle, the Sixth got stuck in a vicious circle on TV, and Mono (young) saved her, but to break the circle, she left him there, because because of Mono (an adult or from the future or a Thin Man) she got there. Mono from the future (Thin Man) wants to catch the Sixth in order to free himself from the vicious circle. But judging by the last frame, it seems the circle is closing again.
Alex Fko
More hint just the same on the prequel. For there is a secret cut scene if you collect all the glitches of the children, then the sixth comes out of the TV and sees its shadow, which points to the card with the image of the Womb from the first part, and against the background there is a strong sound of a rumbling belly (and we can conclude that the sixth got on the ship Womb to escape the city)