Proxy chain
The situation is this: At work, the Internet is issued via a proxy with authentication by login - password. VK, FB and other goodies are blocked by a simple url filter. The use of mirrors led to the fact that ak vk rushed and begged for money from friends. The idea is this: put another proxy on top of the corporate proxy, which will encrypt all urls. Tell me what add-ons / extensions to use? You just need an add-on / extension. Putting the left software on a computer is pale - it is worth Active Directoryweb proxies do not give a good one .. Even the mobile version of VK does not open. Everything loads and loads ...
Your admin broke down for work, or rather, he already sees what you are doing there, because you have to work, and not crawl on social networks.
And if you really want to, so bring a laptop or tablet to work and use an Internet from your mobile, the issue price is 300r - + per month
Try FreeGate, this is a plugin for most common browsers. It does not always help, but in most cases.
Here is the link:
So this is not notation. It is actually easier to use a mobile phone than it is dreary to mess with a proxy, especially in your case.
What kind of advice do you want here? how to use port forwarding, admin root, shells, sniffer ??
MB is much faster and easier to negotiate with the admin?
Or install the Tor browser
Or install a Tor browser
But what about this?
nikgul wrote:
Putting the left software on the computer is pale - it costs Active Directory