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Puleneprobivaemyy 31.10.19 03:14 am

The tool should work aka I want!

You know that feeling when you take something in hand (a book, a bike, a car, gold chain....) and really enjoying this, and in my case it is a regular mouse lower middle segment (cheap Chinese plastic) serves me for 6 years. The management of this device brings me great pleasure because it clicks too loud and enough to hear her through the music in the headphones - it is not possible to be forgotten in the virtual world. Where to find the second one as well which sounds would be problematic, not all sellers allow you to look at all of the goods he loses a life and stuff...
This mouse has a number of records although it is not notable almost office option. Moreover I say that if only came to me 10 years ago and said Look man Dada you with black hair white shirt Arseny toilet water Cigarrs meter eighty five tall... so you're ten years will not be no millionaire in a Hollywood movie and you sit with a plastic piece of microplate! Well, in General I would never have believed it and more... if this mouse will break even don't know what will probably be engaged in fishing.
So Dear reader(nice) what's your favorite tool for which you waste your time maybe I also want then to change a fetish.. And most importantly what makes him so special, plus what has been found by you
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Zamkadysh 31.10.19

Puzzled, man)) I'm afraid to jinx it, as it boasted accnum trimmer, so it burned out the next day)).

Ripper Man 31.10.19

Interesting question. To mind nothing comes in addition to China multitool from the magnet, which is 10-15 years, which I lost, found again, lost and which now serves me as good as before. Its nice to hold in the hand and in General, nothing special about it.

Pilat. 31.10.19

it could be an antique or rare gun or sword. may be blood-stained uniform of commander or restored kV 2 or u-boat. and every drivedata pfff... the main thing that the brand did not lose its reliability

requiemmm 31.10.19

I have a level. When the father stole the middle of nowhere, can't even guess the source. It is wooden, he is 60, sometimes frame holding a vial of water, rusted nails of course, but very good in the hand, not that modern aluminum sleaze and...almost always shows that exactly:) Like the compass of Jack Sparrow. Nothing special, but the second this I never saw.

Zamkadysh 31.10.19

Okay, the mouse with Alik still decent, will not even challenge, worth a penny, yuzayutsya a pleasure and we can say Neumyvakin, I have all the top of these https://pokupki-s-aliekspress/ there, beloved and most convenient Del effectively glow in the dark, something gave something he bought, just in case, there are so many mice does not happen, but there was a case that the mouse lived happily ever after, while his wife at her village its not a big opoy, the cat in the dark maneuvers satisfied and goes on the attack, withstood this test and Drava)).