Cheats (Hearts of Iron 3)
We enter through "~" in the game itself.Supplies - + 1000 Supplies
Money - Gives 1000 Money
crudeoil - Gives 1000 Oil (its easier just get fuel) Oil
fuel - 1000 Fuels
rarematerials - 1000 Rare materials
Metal - 1000 Metalls)))
Energy - 1000 Energy
addofficers - More officers - 1% per typing the code (adds a percentage in the officer
corps per day) noneutrality - 0 neutrality - did not check, but there are thoughts that you can declare war.
debug fow - remove / add fog - "Fog of War" - open the entire map.
event + #event code # - activates event
debug spy - superior espionage turned on / off
debug yesmen - AAI now always responds favorably / normally
With these more accurate, the computer uses them, I remember Belgium had about 30 divisions in the province)))
Affecting also AI
They need 1 day game time to take effect
instantresearch - Instant research )
instantbuild - 1 day build time on buildings (Construction of a plant, airport, etc. in 1 day.)
instantproduction - 1 day unit production + buildings (Production in 1 day i.e. Tanks, airplanes, etc. + buildings)
instant construction - 1 day unit production + buildings (The idea is the same)
With these codes, any small country can develop the mood of factories, the army, technology, you will only be limited by a lack of human resources, so whoever has thoughts about how to increase these resources themselves - WRITE)))
Who else found something - write, add
Especially useful "event" and People.
So I'll tell you how to add people to yourself and much more in a simple way:
Go to the game folder, then to the "events" folder and open Surrender.txt
Next, add:
country_event = {
id = 66503
is_triggered_only = yes
title = "Ispanika"
desc = "Cheats"
picture = "Bitter_Peace"
option = {
name = "Reduce Neutrality"
ai_chance = {factor = 0}
neutrality = -10
option = {
name = "Add Neutrality"
ai_chance = {factor = 0}
neutrality = 10
country_event = {
id = 66502
is_triggered_only = yes
title = "Ispanecabg "
desc = "Cheats"
picture = "SPA_fascist"
option = {
name = "Add Manpower"
ai_chance = {factor = 0}
manpower = 200
country_event = {
id = 66501
is_triggered_only = yes
title = "Ispanika"
desc = "Cheats"
picture = "SPA_fascist"
option = {
name = "Add resources"
ai_chance = {factor = 0}
crude_oil = 99000 supplies =
energy = 99000
metal = 99000
money = 99000
country_event = {
id = 66500
is_triggered_only = yes
title = " Ispanecabg "
desc = "Cheats"
picture = "Danzig"
option = {
name = "Kill the rebels"
ai_chance = {factor = 0}
dissent = -20
So we get new "events"
and now if we enter in "~" (console):
event 66503 - we increase / decrease the net rate.
event 66502 - +200 thousand people.
event 66501 - a sea of ​​resources and money
event 66500 - minus 20 percent dissatisfaction.
You can also make an "event" in order to add leadership points to yourself, speed up research, and the speed of standing up units.
Go to the game folder, then to the "events" folder and open PoliticalEvents.txt
Find and edit this event:
Government nationalizes private sector
so that it becomes like this:
################## #########################
# Government nationalizes private sector #
################### #######################
country_event = {
id = 5050
trigger = {
not = {government = market_liberalism}
not = {government = social_democracy}
not = {government = social_liberalism}
not = {government = social_conservatism}
dissent = 5000
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 24
modifier = {
factor = 2.0
war = yes
title = "EVTNAME5005"
desc = "EVTDESC5005"
picture = "private_sector"
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA5005" # OK
add_country_modifier = {
name = "nationalization_of_private_sector_ic"
duration = 4380
Save and go to the "common" folder and open the file: event_modifiers.txt
look for the nationalization_of_private_sector_ic event there
and edit it so that it becomes like this:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
global_research_speed = 10.00
research_efficiency = 100.00
unit_recruitment_time = -2.0
So we get a new "event"
and now if we enter in "~" (console):
event 5050 - We will get a modifier until the end of the game with the following parameters:
Leadership like + 1000 percent,
Research is also about that,
And units will be built an order of magnitude faster.
If you do not want everything at once, namely one thing, then just do not add in the modifier nationalization_of_private_sector_ic what you do not need for the game.
I will say on my own that:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
is quite enough, and in a short playing time, relatively any country can be made quite competitive and capable of standing up for itself.
If you want all all all, here is the complete code, with which only possible:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
dissent = -10.00
global_ic = 8.00
global_manpower_modifier = 10.00
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
global_research_speed = 10.00
research_efficiency = 100.00
global_money = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_supplies = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_energy = 10.00
global_oil = 10.00
global_rare_materials = 10.00
unit_recruitment_time = -1.0
war_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
peace_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
espionage_bonus = 10.00
ruling_party_support = 10.00
Keep all spaces, spacing (proportions) in text files to avoid crashes.
Have a good game.
Who does not want to cheat, then you can simply simply reduce the construction time of factories, ports and whatever, but remember, the computer will also build them faster, like you)
To do this, go to the game folder, then to the "common "and open the buildings.txt file
For example:
industry = {
on_completion = construction_practical
completion_size = 1
ic = 1
capital = yes
onmap = no
cost = 5
time = 365
max_level = 10
we see: time = 365
in the original the plant is being built 365 tons. e. year, but for a game in which it is impossible to finish playing even before 1950, there is a lot.
we replace 365 with 60 and the plant will be built in 2 months, agree not bad.
You can also speed up infrastructure, ports, airports, defense structures, poisonous reactors and radars.
Good game.
Interjects the code that does not make a revolution .. like no revolts from the second part .. otherwise these chegevars are very annoying
How exactly to do everything?
Here on the map I choose like planes and why should someone click on the city or what? and what will he throw with an atomic bomb or a simple one, and what kind of simple bomber or technology to research so that some special one could be built?
choose an airplane, click on an enemy province (better on the capital) and you will see exactly how to bombard, put a tick on a nuclear strike and that's it. Unfortunately, there will not be any nuclear fungi shown.
How to create a theater headquarters?
Yes, it's a pity that there was no fungus)) I was also upset))))))) I would have a thread, like from the last part, so that states agree to my dip proposals)))
On the points of leadership does not rob the rest did not check check stupidly the game pours out and that's it!
ATTENTION: about this
08/23/09 07:40 am You can also make an" event "in order to add leadership points to yourself, speed up research, the speed of building units.
Go to the game folder, then to the" events "folder and open PoliticalEvents .txt
Find and edit this event:
Government nationalizes private sector
so that it becomes like this:
############################## ##########
# Government nationalizes private sector #
################################# ########
country_event = {
id = 5050
trigger = {
not = {government = market_liberalism}
not = {government = social_democracy}
not = {government = social_liberalism}
not = {government = social_conservatism}
dissent = 5000
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 24
modifier = {
factor = 2.0
war = yes
title = "EVTNAME5005"
desc = "EVTDESC5005"
picture = "private_sector"
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA5005" # OK
add_country_modifier = {
name = "nationalization_of_private_sector_ic"
duration = 4380
Save and go to the "common" folder and open the file: event_modifiers.txt
look for the nationalization_of_private_sector_ic event there
and edit it to make it like this:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
global_research_speed = 10.00
research_efficiency = 100.00
unit_recruitment_time = -2.0
So we get a new "event"
and now if we enter in "~" (console):
event 5050 - We we get a modifier until the end of the game with the following parameters:
Leadership like + 1000 percent,
Research is also about that,
And units will be built much faster.
If you do not want everything at once, namely one thing, then just do not add in the modifier nationalization_of_private_sector_ic what you do not need for the game.
I will say from myself that:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
is quite enough, and in a short playing time, relatively any country can be made quite competitive and able to stand up for itself.
If you want all all all, here is the complete code, with which only possible:
nationalization_of_private_sector_ic = {
dissent = -10.00
global_ic = 8.00
global_manpower_modifier = 10.00
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
global_research_speed = 10.00
research_efficiency = 100.00
global_money = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_supplies = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_energy = 10.00
global_oil = 10.00
global_rare_materials = 10.00
unit_recruitment_time = -1.0
war_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
peace_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
espionage_bonus = 10.00
ruling_party_support = 10.00
Keep all gaps intervals (proportion) in text files, in order to avoid departure. Have a nice
game. "
so in the event folder we write this:
" ############### ####################################
# Government nationalizes private sector #
country_event = {
id = 5050
trigger = {
not = {government = market_liberalism}
not = {government = social_democracy}
not = {government = social_liberalism}
not = {government = social_conservatism}
dissent = 5000
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 24
modifier = {
factor = 2.0
war = yes
title = "EVTNAME5005"
desc = "EVTDESC5005"
picture = "private_sector"
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA5005" # OK
add_country_modifier = {
name = "nationalization_of_private_sector"
duration = 4380
Save and go to the "common" folder and open the file: event_modifiers.txt,
look for the nationalization_of_private_sector event there
and edit it so that it becomes like this:
nationalization_of_private_sector = {
dissent = -10.00
global_manpower = 10.00
global_leadership_modifier = 10.00
global_research_speed = 10.00
research_efficiency = 100.00
global_money = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_supplies = 10.00
global_metal = 10.00
global_energy = 10.00
global_oil = 10.00
global_rare_materials = 10.00
unit_recruitment_time = -1.0
war_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
peace_consumer_goods_demand = -1.00
espionage_bonus = 10.00
ruling_party_support = 10.00
or something from all this
} "
Guys don't know how it works for you, but wait a bit works !!!!
All these are my own words, I did not use information from another site, I rummaged in the game settings and did everything myself, so I give you BEST SUCCESS in the game.
Is it possible to somehow end the war with the country if it attacked me? I do not want to fight with the USSR