Sockets question (Diablo 2)
If you make a hole with a Lazurk Partizan (or Poleaxe) that has fallen from the pindel at a rate, how many holes will you get?ZakarumFoot
after a hundred grams does not care the question becomes, so this is not an option.
Barracuda2983, I'm just wondering in the end: is it really a pity for the partisan's krapo / poleax? isn’t there still such a new one, but already on hella? Or do you need not a maximum of holes? just curious - is this a weapon measured on lld-pk or insick in low bolve for hcs? or is there eth 15% ed? :-)
Episcop_moo, it is better still without boring on the forum for a modern shkolota. ;-)
Obsessed wrote:
Barracuda2983, I'm just wondering in the end: do you really feel sorry for the krapo partisan / poleaxe? Isn't there still such a new one, but already on hella? Or do you need not a maximum of holes? just curious - is this a weapon measured on lld-pk or insick in low bolve for hcs? or is there eth 15% ed? :-)
There eth partisans and eth ed poleax. A measure is needed for an insick to carry from lld-27lvl (not for lld-pk). To make a hole with a cube is a pity for the runes, since it will most likely be past. There is an opportunity to make holes with Azure - but in limited quantities. If 4 socket exactly does not work out, then there is no point in merging ... The
opinions, as I see, are different. Long Sword from the 5th act of the normal has been making holes for 4 sockets, so I suspect that 3 will not be. 4 or 5 - most likely you will have to figure it out yourself, or score is not this business until it burns ...
Thanks. It remains to find out what level Pindel is on the norm. Once I found information on the level of locations.
Found. Nihlathak's Temple at a rate of 32lvla So there should be 4 sockets =)
In fact, 5 holes came out = (Or I made a mistake with Pindel and knocked out a disc on the ballran, or something is wrong here ...
and all because you had to believe past, which immediately gave you a normal and correct answer without any cleverness
Barracuda2983 wrote:
Nihlathak's Temple at a rate of 32lvla So there should be 4 sockets =)
Pindle 45.