We need a file. (Just Cause 2)
Hello. I need a language.txt file so that the text is in Russian. In English, there is no way to pass the first mission, because the parachute does not open. I tried to change the language through the launcher, but it did not change.8 Comments
And many people write that it is necessary to change english to russian in this file.
I also have a pirate, but there is no such file, maybe it all depends on the tablet for the game, someone may have it in the folder with the game language.txt, someone does not.
Try it can and will help if you have files Dialog_Mission_Specific_eng.fsb and Dialog_PA_eng.fsb in English. then rename them to Dialog_Mission Specific_rus.fsb and Dialog_PA_rus.fsb.
Path to files Just Cause 2 / sound / fmod.