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F1r34ng3l 30.03.21 04:32 pm

Drop run na PG [statistic p.1] (Diablo 2)

I'm tired of this tendency in recent years in society, including here, where we come to take a break from reality. Therefore, I decided to create this topic and share information. I invite everyone to join in the future.
Screens for 96-97lvl
travincal 1ppl 15000 runov
mausoleum + ancient tunnels 8ppl 1500 runov

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Klassewer 30.03.21

~ 2k runov travincal players3, i.e. somewhere around 2.8k players1 (which also consisted of LC runs, I summarize, so to speak, bringing under a common denominator the data on the drop with LC and grass in 1.11)
Lo Um 2 Pul.

If you have such a number of wounds and such a drop, then a real bad luck.

Zigzag-V 30.03.21

Cool topic, let's rejoice for 15 more wounds)

hypehypehype 30.03.21

drop to realno est 'D

Alexey Bitardsky 30.03.21

Is it not too lazy to drag the rune out of the chest every time, throw it off, take a picture? It's just that you can throw everything off at the chest and make a screen. How many suras are there in total? One weekend wigs to pull up.

[hb] 30.03.21

pariki> all

FludoTron 30.03.21

Something is generally poor. It's easier not to play)

Grablin 30.03.21

F1r34ng3l wrote:
15000 runov are
you, generally a man ?! : D

zulin_ru 30.03.21

19 Gul + how much is pool and mind. Wigs are easier at times.

Sweety_Mustard 30.03.21

No need to drive wigs. You need to farm - you just need to have a little patience and not stick out from the grass - and soon you will have everything.

G-gurdaXII 30.03.21

This is why I don’t play on PG anymore.

DELETEEND 30.03.21

After this, it flows out of the lower pool)

as you have not yet flowed out on 10k wounds ... a round number and Lo in your pocket ... tin of course.

Klassewer 30.03.21

G-gurdaXII wrote:
This is why I don't play PG anymore.
But there are wigs.

F1r34ng3l 30.03.21

At the expense of the result, the result of this gameplaya.
As for the drop of the runes, based on the experience of the previous seasons, I will say that I just had no luck during this period of time. You need to focus your attention on the amount of drop. The theme was created for this, even from the name.
As for the drop in general, during this period of time, not only runes fell to me. At any time I am ready to "compare with the Persians" with any of the wig leaders, write. Well, even for example

Sweety_Mustard 30.03.21

F1r34ng3l a
pack of items that you get once in the whole game, the steam loser will buy in the chat for the runes that have been farmed in a month. Well, the specifics of the drop - in d2, everything falls to a neighbor (a magpie - cool darts, beaver tiaras with fcr rings, etc.), that is, with low online online, the value of even such things is low.

[_JENKA_] 30.03.21

I can't run into grass 50 times like people do 15 thousand times? during this time I will throw 5 times and start playing 5 times d2)

hypehypehype 30.03.21

+ to the fact that piece items are poorly rated by players,
wig guides buy all the state items so cheap)

Sayyouneed 30.03.21

With wigs, aneh would have bought for a long time)
And on the topic: in total I have gear for 3.5 zhaha with a penny. During the year of the season runes 2 surah 1 ohm 8-9 ist, 3 small pieces of 10 mind and pool. I sold my gear (including sticks (2 bugs), 2 rather weak anechs (ber ohm), charms, etc.) in the amount of jah sur. Wigs leisurely for 2 months jah lo.
Total about drop for pg: wigs namba van. 1/3 of all - non-tensioned steam locomotives for a short amount of time.
Catching free jokes at the beginning of the season is the second place! Item drop 3rd place (but it is very different for everyone). Well, the runes to catch on pg were not included in the top three.
Please note that farming with a light source game without the infamous infik would not be so much fun. However, like a barb with necro without enigma. To knock out all this rubbish for a whole year without a trained Persian is still a longing.
For 10 years already sick of the blizzard, the hammer has already taken out, the jaw does not insert anymore, and the light-work is already boring. To farm these pixels with interest, you need to have a base. And the best and fastest way to get to the base is to go to the base.
I remembered that I had never played as a traps, I’ll go swing.

[hb] 30.03.21

mne pul ypal ryadom s hf, as hf io: D

CorvinOk 30.03.21

Hammor: 67LvL ~ 96.1 LvL. 5 ~ 8PPL (up to 75th LvLa 3 ~ 5PPL), races never counted. Only HCS + partly a river on the way:
Ber, ist, pul, ist, um

pul that fell between the 2nd even didn’t screen it.

Curiously, the distribution of the drop runes in time:
67LvL ~ 93.5LvL: ~ fal
93.5 LvL - ber
93.5 LvL ~ 95.45 LvL: ~ lem
95.45 LvL ~ 95.9 LvL: - Ist, pul, ist, um, literally in 8 days of leisurely lazy farming. And then, after 3 days, ber two-handed zil, at 90.5LvLe, in grass literally for 15-20 + races. , that was
This is to the topic about the periodic temporary twisting of the drop runes, thanks, apparently, we can say the same to the so far banned Sample))

91LvL is close (pindle and some tunel) ~ lem
Zil with Zak 93.5 ~ lem, although he lived on HBR. But recently I managed to train from Travik + - 30 * 3kk +

Alexey Bitardsky 30.03.21

Well, will you sell this stick for a maximum of a ber, without it you still have ~ suras. Total - 6 Lo, that is, half of the enigma. Will you go to the second round? 15k more races?