Game Impressions (Paradise Lost)
We share our impressions. How is game?Syzhetets of course mediocre, does anyone understand why his sister lived so long? judging by what I came across, there was at best a couple of years
The idea itself is good, the implementation - Shimon cannot run, even when Shift is held he moves extremely slowly, the mechanics are primitive and added, most likely, "for show". The plot is full of "holes" that are not explained by anything. In general, a good walking simulator, but for an amateur.
I liked the game very much. She is meditative. In it, as conceived by the authors, there is nowhere to rush. This technique is made on purpose, it is part of the message. For an indiproject, the very quality of playing at a high altitude, but at an even higher level, is the thoughts and ideas conveyed by the authors. Honestly, having finished the game about an hour ago, I am still in a culture shock ... very much. The game touches upon serious topics, makes you think about them. This is a game where a little boy (player) finds himself in an adult silent world, and like in the adult world, some things will be told to him, and some he will have to understand himself. The ending is epic. The game is translated as "Paradise Lost" and probably fully justifies its name. I recommend to all amateurs to reflect.