Viper steel 3600 low latency on XMP
I bought the RAM I thought it would be better than the old cartridges from the dandy, but in the end, although they are higher in frequency, the results are deplorable in the Aida benchmarkLen4ik00N
On the new hunix C die and on the old and the old ones there were 2 different d die and e die
In short, the timings on this shit do not decrease at all, even with a decrease in frequency
The S
Try leaving RCDRD at 19 and decreasing the rest. The Hyunixes react badly to a downgrade. And what kind of voltage do you put in?
Oh, I have the same case, only with silver inserts and lighting ... and without disc baskets for better airflow: D
Deshang I
updated the BIOS and launched on 16-17-17-17-36 the indicators are almost the same as on HMR, but HMR flies out periodically, while I test the voltage, I put 1.35 up to 1.4 and there is no sense from this, so I left it 1.35
The S
You look also secondary. Here is an example of mine, based on a calculator for hynix mfr and then testing smaller ones with my hands. But now ras = 34, rc = 54, rfc = 416.
yeah for me too, have the case rotators already changed or do you tolerate their racking?) I still lubricate, all hands will not reach to change to new ones, although the ones on the backlit face work perfectly
I didn’t replace it, but I don’t either =)
The front and one on the rear wall work quietly at 700 rpm, I control them through the voltage in the BIOS. But just turned off the hoarse upper ones. Moreover, one of them went to replace the power supply: D
I certainly thought to change all of them for some Noktua, but now everything is fine in terms of noise and temperatures. 2600x in Aida heats up to 60-62 at a cooler speed of 1300, the motherboard feeder in the same place up to 77. 1660 up to 70-73 at 1600 rpm.
The S does the tests pass? ^^ You had it before that and with high it was filled up.
The S is well, lucky, count 10k saved on the motherboard. Xs, then I don’t understand at all, what for a 20k motherboard, when everything works on this asrok as on the 570th.
Well, I think the 570 will work much better with some powerful processor, but the difference is not as big as many people think, and the stone is not at all
Sweety_Mustard twisted the
binary ones, the bump improved by another half of the bump the memtest seems to pass like all the rules
The S is
now the cache sagged - I wonder what the thread was affected or not.