PG Prize Draw Winners
Hello everyone, I'm wondering why the winners of the largest / most expensive prizes are all users with 0 activity registered in the 2017 - 2018 range?Activity 0, attempts to win a prize no more than 15 ...
Dear administration, nothing bothers you about these actions? Zero activity, minimum attempts! People spend tens of thousands of bonuses, throw away thousands of attempts, but a user comes with zero activity with a registration date of 17-18 and immediately opens a prize ...
The obvious answer is 2:
1. The winner's account data belongs to the site administration itself. Or the user has something to do with the site staff and can withdraw the goods through the "mothballed" account.
2. The application is hacked. But given that there have been no attempts in all the years that the application exists in order to eliminate the hacking (after all, old and zero accounts continue to win this way), this version is unlikely.
Well, it's unrealistic that all the cool prizes would go only to no-names with 0 activity. This is some kind of obvious nonsense!
At the same time, looking at the cheaper / less valuable, the statistics are adequate - at least 100 attempts from users. This already looks like the truth!
I understand that this is a joke scam. Honestly, I'm tired of taking part in this enchanting deception of users. A valuable prize for a user who has nothing to do with the administration of the site does not shine.
The theme was created, for a reminder for yourself, as well as for other users - that you shouldn't even try to win something more expensive than 7 thousand at an assessed value. Anything above this value goes into the "dirty" hands of fake users.
All the best and wish - do not get fooled by a scam, you do not need to reassure yourself, dreaming of a valuable prize. All valuable prizes have been distributed for a long time, you only release the accumulated bonuses.
And if you, like me, still have resentment about the behavior of the site administration, then please write a message to the RPN, indicating the reason.
Denis Kyokushin
We, as users, cannot influence this scam, but ... All the same, there is an opportunity.
RKN is called. They love to bring all sorts of creeping reptiles to clean water, let them have fun. I'll write a ticket now. If not guilty, then the PG administration has nothing to fear, and if ...
uhahahaha * gloating laugh *
Denis Kyokushin
I have every right of a citizen of the Russian Federation - to report violations or suspicions of violations to law enforcement agencies.
RKN, it turns out, is not involved in consumer protection. On the other hand, RPN is engaged in this. Plus, if it turns out that these accounts belong to the site's employees (and it's easy to check), then they will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the article fraud.
If after this comment, a ban is thrown on my account, then the stigma is in the gun! If they block, then there is something to hide. So let's see how many suitcases the lemon will bring into the RPN.
The more complaints the RPN (RosPotrebNadzor) receives about this scam, the higher the chance that real people will become the winners.
The administration of the site will not remove the application itself, since only thanks to this system the site is afloat and in the first lines of popularity in the RU region. Users will not have an exhaust in creating blogs and to that of various sections, then there will be no site activity, which means no advertising and earnings for the site.
Although, RPN, like ILV, are fans of blocking everything. If, after the tickets, they take up the site and find something illegal, please do not blame the angry, the administration, the users for the fact that the site was closed.
I went to a friend's account in order to check how many bonuses have accumulated since his last visit. For reference, the account was abandoned in 2019 because the user who owns the account left this site for certain reasons. For all these 3 years, no bonuses were credited to the abandoned account, since there was no activity of the account itself. It follows from this that an account with one single message in the forum section and a couple in the comments cannot have 1500 bonuses. This means that the user cannot win prizes on the 15th try (for example, the last winner who "took" the video card), because in fact there are no bonuses! This means that the account is fake.
As you can see, everything is simple. Clickable. And all you need to know is the addition method (2 + 2) to solve such a simple problem. Zero, he is ZERO on Mars!
As I said, everything is easily verified. Is there a scam? Law enforcement authorities will unearth. The site is large, they have a "reason" to promote this topic.
insel260 wrote:
Dear administration, nothing bothers you about these actions?
No, it doesn't bother and shouldn't. Somewhere in the minds of some users, especially belligerent ones, came the thesis "only those who are sitting in the comments can win."
From the point of view of the project, all users are all users. Any user = any user. Any site functionality is available to all users. Any user can equally win a prize. Then everything depends solely on his luck. Someone whines, someone wins.
insel260 wrote:
People spend tens of thousands of bonuses, throw out thousands of attempts, but a user comes with zero activity with a registration date of 17-18 and immediately opens a prize ... - winners statistics. The overwhelming majority with single digits, some more with double digits, the least with three digits. Only in the head of the one who wants to "spend thousands" there are these same thousands. In fact, the winnings occur in a much smaller fork. These are statistics, not wishful thinking.
insel260 wrote:
The obvious answer is 2:
insel260 wrote:
1. The winner's account data belongs to the site administration itself. Or the user has something to do with the site staff and can withdraw the goods through the "mothballed" account.
For the hundredth time, I am telling you completely publicly. The administration of a large gaming site can easily receive the games, devices or equipment it needs completely free of charge or on other terms directly from the manufacturer or the organization responsible for the product in the Russian Federation. The idiotic scheme, where the administration takes something as if in prizes and wins for itself on the sly - is absurd. This is such a stupid idiocy on our scale that it’s even ridiculous for me to explain. It's even funnier that with the comment below you say that I will be putting my suitcases in the RPN ... but I can't buy myself something expensive?) In this scheme of yours, it is much more profitable to buy yourself than to get into a scandal. And when you can accept the fact that the administration can get it for free, everything falls into place.
insel260 wrote:
Well, it's unrealistic that all the cool prizes would go only to no-names with 0 activity. This is some kind of obvious nonsense!
Someone is lucky more, someone less. An example of how we ourselves recently went nuts from luck here - But the person did not fulfill the prerequisites and did not receive a prize. If I did it, I would get it. About zero activity - a little later.
insel260 wrote:
At the same time, looking at the cheaper / less valuable, the statistics are adequate - at least 100 attempts from users. This already looks like the truth!
If you looked at these statistics, then no "at least 100 attempts" would be even close. Endless data manipulation is a funny and weird trick.
insel260 wrote:
The theme was created, for a reminder for yourself, as well as for other users - that you shouldn't even try to win something more expensive than 7 thousand at an assessed value. Anything above this value goes into the "dirty" hands of fake users.
All the best and wish - do not get fooled by a scam, you do not need to reassure yourself, dreaming of a valuable prize. All valuable prizes have been distributed for a long time, you only release the accumulated bonuses.
And here is the line that leads to an eternal ban. Completely naked innuendo and endless chatter without facts, with direct appeals - this is the most destructive way. And as long as your choice is that - our choice is to rid the site of such toxic comments, which only continue to spread rumors about which there is no confirmation. And this is about the hundredth my comment on this topic.
Every time, when instead of constructive dialogue you choose the path of belligerence, with arguments of the level "you are a fool because you are an idiot" - this is the path to a ban, without the right of appeal. Constructive conversation - please. "YOU ARE ALL LIE, WINNING PRIZES, I AM IN RKN RPN ROC" - well, good luck, all the best. Obviously, further our paths diverge for quite understandable reasons.
insel260 wrote:
If after this comment, they throw a ban on my account, then the stigma is in the gun! If they block, then there is something to hide. So let's see how many suitcases the lemon will bring into the RPN.
And if they don't throw it, then not at the cannon? The construction of the conditions is amazing. Give me a hundred or a goof? Your account was banned prior to this comment. And the stigma would be in the gun, if the topic was removed in a quiet one. And she is here, with answers to your messages and explanations of the ban.
insel260 wrote:
I went to a friend's account in order to check how many bonuses have accumulated since his last visit. For reference, the account was abandoned in 2019 because the user who owns the account left this site for certain reasons. For all these 3 years, no bonuses were credited to the abandoned account, since there was no activity of the account itself. It follows from this that an account with one single message in the forum section and a couple in the comments cannot have 1500 bonuses.
It's funny how you can't draw conclusions. With correct calculations, you draw erroneous conclusions. From all your opus, it follows that bonuses are really not credited to abandoned accounts. This is absolutely true, since there is no activity at all. No activity = no bonuses. And then erroneous conclusions begin.
I'll tell you a secret, even authorization on the site gives bonuses. Logged in = received a certain amount of bonuses. Wrote messages in PM = received bonuses. Added a friend = bonuses. I walked through the pages, read the topics, got an expert rating = got bonuses. Even for evaluating comments, they give a certain number of bonuses. And also, WOW, on different days there are different activities and for the same action you can get different bonuses.
Activity is, SUDDENLY, not just comments and posts. There are dozens of parameters on the site and in the formula for calculating bonuses, which are considered activity. To think that only comments and posts bring bonuses is some strange and stubborn misconception that every next ripper uses. And each time it equates activity with comments. Someday, apparently, we will get bored or we will interrupt everyone